
Mask with honey for dry and aging skin face

Cosmetic properties of honey ar simply wonderful, therefore honey is usually utilized in facials and skin care. notably helpful once a mask with honey aging skin aging and for preventing and wrinkles.

All masks with honey recipes that ar given below, ar applied to the face for 10-15 minutes and so rinsed off with cool water.

- For dry skin, anti-wrinkle face coated mixture of raw ingredient and a tablespoon of honey.

- once dry and traditional skin is extremely helpful mask of a hundred g of honey mixed with the juice of 1 lemon.

- anti Aging Skin soggy effectively apply a mask consisting of two tablespoons flour, mixed with crushed egg whites and a teaspoon of honey.


"Be careful, victimization honey in skin care, as a result of it will cause hypersensitive reactions in cases of hypersensitivity."

- Cleans, disinfects associate degreed softening action has an alcohol and honey mask. to arrange twenty five cc of alcohol is mixed with identical quantity of water and add a hundred g of slightly heated honey. the entire is stirred till a uniform mass.

- to forestall wrinkles and used the subsequent mixture: ninety g of barley flour, thirty five g of honey and whipped egg whites.

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