
Old folk recipes of masks for face and hair

Traditional recipes and then sensible that they ne'er lose their connectedness and price. And, even today, among the mass of cosmetics, we regularly select straightforward and accessible to all or any recipes for skin care face, hair, body.

Lotion for greasy skin

Grate the cucumber, add one hundred grams of strong drink. The mixture insist seven days to a dark place, filter and hour lotion lubricate the skin.

Toning Lotion

One tablespoon of sliced parsley roots pour a glass of boiling water. Insist day, strain. Wipe face lotion doubly each day instead umyvaniya.Tak may also build a stewing of parsley - it relieve irritation, helps get obviate freckles.

Decoction for laundry

If the skin is at risk of redness, prepare a stewing for laundry. combine one tablespoon of sliced parsley root and mint, add some drops of juice of American aloe, pour five hundred millilitre boiling water. Cool and strain. The broth is poured into molds for ice and freeze. Diced wipe the skin once or doubly each day.

Care is mistreatment folks remedies

Mask for dry skin

Grate the cucumber, add 2 handfuls of oatmeal and one teaspoon of cream. Apply the mask on for half-hour, then take away the swab swayback in stewed water.

The mask for strengthening hair

Mix one tablespoon of onion juice, one fixings, one teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of the crumb of staff of life. The mixture was placed on freshly washed hair for half-hour, place plastic wrap cap. Then rinse the hair. Procedure is completed doubly every week. Effective means that for fighting dandruff.

Onion tricks

• Brown spots and freckles will become nearly invisible or disappear if doubly each day for a month to wipe face with the juice of onion or cucumber.

• from corn, even chronic, deliver steamed onions. half the little bulbs hold for one or two. once the onion is tender, apply to corn, cowl with plastic wrap and tie a bandage nightlong. impact was determined once 2-3 sessions.

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