
Treatment of white spots in the face and body with herbs and vitamins

Treatment of white spots in the face and body with herbs and vitamins

White spots in the face

Treatment of white spots in the face and body with herbs and vitamins

In our daily lives many of us notice people who have white spots in the face or body and many believe that it is related to the lack of a particular vitamin, white spots in the face cause embarrassment or concern for the owner and this can affect his lifestyle and personality.

 In this article we will identify the causes of these spots and whether they are permanent or there is a treatment for white spots in the face and body.

A person who has white spots on his face is usually disturbed by someone with spots on his or her body, such as on his knees or ankles.


What are white spots on the face?
What causes white spots on the face?
Dermatology (psoriasis and eczema)
Sun rays
Diseases associated with the appearance of white spots in the face
White spots in the skin due to lack of vitamin
White spots due to lack of pigmentation
White skin fungi
How the fungus causes white spots in the face
Other causes of white spots in the face
Common places for the appearance of white spots on the body
Symptoms may accompany white spots in the face
Can white spots spread in the body?
Treatment and prevention of white spots in the face
1. Protection from the sun
2. Topical treatment
3. Surgery
4. Reduce stress
Treatment of white tinea
Treatment of white spots in the face of herbs and natural methods
Neem Extract
Mix it with turmeric
Basil oil
Cabbage juice
Treatment of white spots in the face and body with vitamins
Vitamin B
 Omega 3
Vitamin C

What are white spots on the face?

White spots on the face are often known to be due to vitiligo, a medical condition that causes white spots on the skin and often appear on the hands, face, back and other parts of the body.

Vitiligo occurs in sporadic patches of human skin when cells that produce pigments known as melanocytes disappear from certain areas of the skin.

Where the region becomes free of color and color appears in white, it is worth mentioning that the causes of this destruction is still not fully known so far.

What causes white spots on the face?

There are many reasons for the occurrence of white spots on the face and body, including white skin fungus or lack of a specific vitamin in the body and it is worth mentioning that the direct cause is not known so far as these may appear on any patches of human skin and it is possible that Appear inside the mouth or nose as well as in the retina.

Dermatology (psoriasis and eczema)
It is possible that some skin diseases may develop with the appearance of white spots on the affected skin, for example, eczema and shellfish may leave the impact of these spots during or even after recovery from eczema or psoriasis.
Psoriasis is caused by skin peeling that looks like white spots. The skin color turns red during psoriasis, and the chances of developing skin diseases generally increase if the patient is allergic to the skin or suffers from allergies such as asthma.

Sun rays

Prolonged exposure to the sun negatively affects the appearance or spread of spots. Exposure to sunlight can cause the formation of white spots on the skin.

If you already have white spots it is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight. This is because white spots are more susceptible to sunburn because they do not have the melanin dye specific to skin protection. So wear long-sleeved clothing or use umbrellas while going out in the sun.

As we mentioned earlier, the causes of vitiligo are still not known, but there are factors that affect their occurrence or increase their chances. There are studies and medical statistics that prove that there may be a genetic factor that affects vitiligo in the family. For example, people who have relatives have vitiligo They have higher than others It is worth mentioning that vitiligo affects females as well as affects males in equal proportions does not have a sexual factor impact on the incidence of this disorder.

Diseases associated with the appearance of white spots in the face

It has also been found in some studies that there are certain diseases and disorders coincide with the incidence of white spots in the face or body, which increases the chances of occurrence and can lead to the current conditions of autoimmune current to increase the risk of infection, and there can be some other cases:

Alopecia (Baldness) - Sometimes white spots may be noticed in baldness areas
Malignant anemia (inability to absorb vitamin B12)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Type 1 Diabetes
Exposure to certain chemicals can cause white spots in some people.
Contact with chemicals such as detergents or other household chemicals for long periods causes white spots. Because it shows melanin pigments in the skin to destroy.

The direct cause of white spots in the face is not yet known.

These white spots usually affect people at an early age. Symptoms begin to appear between the ages of 10 and 30. They can appear early in one area but then move on to a stage where new spots appear.

White spots in the skin due to lack of vitamin

Vitamin B-12 deficiency can cause white spots on the skin. It is important to consult your doctor if white spots appear, because vitamin B-12 deficiency can cause other diseases and disorders, including neurological disorders.

Vitamin D deficiency causes white spots
Vitamin D, vitamin E, and calcium are associated with the appearance of white spots on the skin. Vitamin D levels are affected by skin pigmentation because melanocytes responsible for the production of skin pigment are the place of vitamin D production in the body when exposed to sunlight.

As a result, white people need less sunscreen than dark skin to produce enough vitamin D.

Dark skin owners have a greater chance of developing vitamin D deficiency

White spots due to lack of pigmentation
White spots in the skin occur mostly due to non-pigmentation or vitiligo where the skin loses its pigments in certain areas. These pigmented areas develop into a white area.
This is believed to occur for autoimmune reasons
White skin fungi
White tinea is a skin disease that is a fungal infection that affects the skin and is in the form of white, red or brown spots that affect certain areas of the body such as the neck and shoulders and may move from the organ to the rest of the body.

Tinnitus is a common skin disease that afflicts a person in contact with an infected part which is painless and also not considered a serious disease, but it is very troublesome if untreated.

How the fungus causes white spots in the face

The fungus causes acidic medium on the surface of the skin, causing a change in the color of the affected area to white as a type of bleaching.

Other causes of white spots in the face

Eat very large amounts of junk food
Tension, anxiety or sudden emotional stress
Toxins within the body that affect autoimmune immunity
Exposure to or use of pesticides as they spray on vegetables should be washed fruits and vegetables well before eating
Excessive use of antibiotics
Poor hygiene, lack of interest in skin and good skin
Oily skin
Hot climate
Severe sweating
Common places for the appearance of white spots on the body
People who suffer from white spots on the skin will find that the most common areas of white spots on their skin are places where the body is exposed to sunlight such as:

the face
The arm
the eyes
the mouth
Arbia Area
Symptoms may accompany white spots in the face
Shave eyelashes and eyebrow
Early gray hair of the scalp and beard
In this case you should consult your doctor because it is possible that these are indications of vitiligo later

Can white spots spread in the body?

The spread of white spots throughout the body varies depending on the type of spots that control the skin. There is a focal pattern in specific areas, a cutaneous pattern and a general pattern that appears symmetrically on both sides of the body. Some white spots do not spread to other parts of the body but are concentrated in a specific part of the body the body.

White spots are a gradual medical condition ie they will spread to other parts of the body over time but not suddenly.

But it is worth mentioning that if the white spots move from one place to another they need several years but in a few rare cases white patches spread quickly.

Treatment and prevention of white spots in the face

White spots on the skin may be a non-significant nature and do not lead to complications and risks, but it has a psychological impact of the patient as it gives a bad feeling when looking at them.

There are many people who lose self-esteem and confidence in moving among people with white spots. Some medical studies have shown that there are some home remedies to eliminate the white spots that appear on the skin.

1. Protection from the sun
Protect yourself from the sun. Sunburn can cause vitiligo, although you need ultraviolet light to create melanin, and white spots are not melanin, but you should be exposed to the sun at a specific time and at a specific rate to prevent your exposure to more burns, consult your doctor.

2. Topical treatment
You can use cosmetics to cover smaller, less visible white spots, while severe or noticeable UV spots can be treated. Corticosteroid creams are also used to treat vitiligo.

3. Surgery
In some cases, the doctor may seek medical intervention and surgical procedures including skin grafting, melanocyte transplantation, skin surgery, taking the pigmented skin from a part of your body and transferring it to the deformed area. Transplantation of melanocytes involves taking melanocytes, making them grow in the laboratory, and then implanting them again in areas where they died in the body. Finally, thinning is the treatment of the lips, where artificial pigmentation is added.

4. Reduce stress
The practice of relaxation techniques to reduce stress helps to get rid of white spots.

Treatment of white tinea
Topical treatment
Where anti-fungal creams and ointments are applied topically to the skin.

Special shower shampoo

Shampoos containing Ketoconazole (2%) or seleniumsulfide (2,25%) are used on the body for 5-10 minutes per day for a week.

In the case of severe infections of colored tinea added to the cream and shampoo within the course of treatment of some tablets or capsules, which includes the composition of some antifungal agents.

A very important note in the treatment of fungal infections should keep the place dry and clean away from any type of moisture.

Other kinds of Teinia are Thinia thighs, Teinia sports foot and colorful Teinia.

Treatment of white spots in the face of herbs and natural methods
Turmeric is the ingredient that contains many antiseptic properties. Adding a mixture of turmeric powder and two small amounts of mustard oil will help strengthen the immune system but should be used daily to see the results effectively.

Neem Extract
Neem is used to treat many skin problems where dried leaves of the Neem tree are crushed along with dried flowers and fruits for the same tree.

You need to take a teaspoon of this powder mixture with a glass of water every day. It helps reduce the appearance of white spots on your skin.
You can also make a new paste of neem leaves with a little water and place them on the affected area. Rinse the dough after 10 to 15 minutes.

The important anti-fungal and parasitic property of honey combats fungi that cause white spots on the skin .. It will help your skin to shine and retain the natural color. You first need to clean the affected area of ​​your skin with lukewarm water and soap then wait until it becomes dry and thoroughly work the honey mask to keep your skin.
Liquid honey is used on the affected area and must wait until the entire amount is absorbed by the skin. It is worth noting that the results need time to appear effective. It is possible to observe good results after a few weeks or months of use.

Mix it with turmeric
One of the best answers to how to get rid of white spots on the skin is composed of a teaspoon of sandalwood paste, turmeric powder and rice powder where it is used on the affected area of ​​your skin. But it takes a relatively long time to see good results after a few months.

Copper is one of the nutrients that contribute to the maintenance of the skin and is widely used in the public health clinics, and is one of the best ways to strengthen the immune system, and copper is taken by drinking water from copper and glass containers. You need to take a pot of copper and pour the drinking water into the container and leave it to react with the copper overnight. Water ions will merge with copper ions and in the morning drink this water on an empty stomach. This will help produce melanin so that the pigmentation of the skin is corrected.

Basil oil
One of the most effective oils for the treatment of white spots is the oil of the windheneth that is affected by oil. As you can also boil basil leaves in water and add turmeric powder to it. This water mixture can be used to wash the affected area of ​​your skin and wash it with lukewarm water.

The fig is generally a food that gives the body energy and immunity and nourishes the blood cycle as well. If used as a home remedy for Vitiligo, the vitamin is eaten frequently, so that there are no medical contraindications, or that the figs are dried and crushed and the work of powder is placed on the affected skin for continuous periods to obtain the effective results

Cabbage juice
The cabbage juice is extracted from fresh cabbage leaves and placed on the affected area, leaving a period of ten to fifteen minutes and then rinsed with lukewarm water. This will help reduce the white spots on the skin.

Treatment of white spots in the face and body with vitamins
Vitamin B
In some people indigestion causes the spread of white spots. Having a regular amount of vitamin B helps to eliminate the problem of indigestion and also eliminates the spread of white spots.

 Omega 3
Omega 3 fatty acids help reduce stress and thus reduce the problem of white spots. Fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and should be placed mainly in your diet.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C improves the body's immunity to infection resistance and thus is good at maintaining the integrity of the skin. The consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C helps in proper digestion and reduces the risk of white spots.

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