

Steamer, a mixture of herbs, green tea, kitchen knife and a yoga mat ... These simple devices can help you a hassle to get rid of excess fat in the diet, and at the waist. We do not encourage you to give up fat altogether. They are necessary for the body to absorb vitamins A and D, produce hormones, build cell membranes with high-grade, they are necessary for healthy skin and hair. And finally, it's just an important source of calories! The only problem is that often we get them too much (normally they should be 25-30% of the diet) and with a minimum benefit for themselves. Here are the characters that will help remedy this situation. 1. Steaming Since foods are cooked over steam rather than oil, and they do not absorb it. And you save about 12 grams of fat per serving and get an extra bonus: many modern Steamer is a function that allows you to handle the products gently, retaining the maximum amount of vitamins. "If the food tastes steam seems boring to you, use other methods of cooking - advises Svetlana SAVELYEVA, endocrinologist, a specialist in the treatment of obesity clinic BIKOD.

 - For example, a cook in a little oil, cook Multivarki, bake in the oven in foil or in a sleeve. In fact, nutritionists have here one requirement: nothing fry in butter. " 2. The container you polozhete him homemade food and dine her office instead of having to go to a restaurant. Cooks are more concerned about the taste of food than on calories. "And since fats make the dish appetizing food in the restaurant, they are used more - says endocrinologist Svetlana Saveliev. - Cook rice at home, you can not add oil to it. The restaurant will do it, so it does not Slip ". People who often eat out, to gain excess weight of 10 kg per year. So take the container ... "But it is better not plastic! - Warns nutritionist Anna Belousova.

 - A glass or enamel container. Studies show that some plastic boxes to change the composition of food: it appears that disrupt the metabolism of female hormones and triggers cancer. " 3. Kitchen knife Before sending the meat in the oven or steamer, prepare it. "Cut away visible fat and films in which there are too fat layer - advises Anna Belousova, dietician ZAO" Medical Services ". - Do the chicken, remove the skin and fat located under it. Thus treated an average chicken breast, you simplify it to 10-20 grams of fat. " 4. Frozen fruit juice ice cream ice cream - discord! If 100 g of ice cream contains 17 grams of fat, then the juice it is not frozen. Change the first to the second and save calories.

 If you want something creamy, take ice milk: 3-8 g per 100 g of product. 5. Sprinkler oil for our hostesses thing yet unusual, but very useful! According to nutritionists, cooking, we often pour too much oil out of habit, out of fear that the dish will burn. Although, in order to fry the meat on a nonstick frying pan, oil is almost not required. Maximum number of drops. And here we will spray! One "zilch" add to a portion of only 10 kcal. "You can measure oil and spoons. The main thing - do not pour "by eye" - says endocrinologist Svetlana Saveliev. 6. Yoga mat is no secret that many of us seize stress. And often it is fatty food. The body itself is pushing us to this choice, firstly, because the digestion of food and emotional experience - highly energy-intensive processes. Both forces in the body, as a rule, is not enough, therefore, to fill the heavy and oily food, we unconsciously soothing. The second reason - that for the production of stress hormones the body needs fat ... And the conclusion? Not to overeat on emotions cakes and fries, try to calm down. Take a yoga mat and start to perform the asanas. Or knitting, cross stitching, wipe the dust - Find that returns composure, gives a sense of stability and peace.

 7. Lemon If you often make salads and their constantly spike your oil, you may want to reduce the amount of fat in the diet, calling upon the lemon juice. Mix it in equal parts of olive oil, if desired, add a little grated garlic, season with pepper and get a great filling, saving about 7 grams of fat per serving. Instead, it can also use low-fat yogurt, apple cider vinegar or soy sauce. 8. The mixture of herbs does not think schnitzel without breading? Crackers and flour - not the best option. They themselves will add you calories, and "forced" to fry in butter, and absorb it very much. Think of them healthy substitute by mixing dried herbs you cute, sesame seeds, pepper. "Just finished seasoning for meat and fish is better not to buy: they tend to have flavor enhancers" - advises endocrinologist Svetlana Saveliev.

 9. Label Read it and stop confuse "diet", "calorie", "light" and "low-fat": this is not the same thing! Composition "diet" products is planned on the basis of a specific diet, for example in the case of diabetics with low sugar content includes, but is not fat. "Low Calorie" and "light" means a kind of comparison with the basic version of the product. "Low calorie" is always heavier cake bread "easy" to 100 grams of cheese may contain 27 grams of fat mayonnaise and - from 30 g of fat, respectively. "In the" low-fat "foods it should not be more than 5 g, and milk - not more than 1.5% - reminds nutritionist Anna Belousova. - But if you start eating them in large chunks, and here with the fat will move. " 10. Grill Another way to cook without oil and very tasty! If the weather allows - on the street. And if not - in the oven: the majority of modern models is a function of "grill". Finally, you can use a special pan-grill, corrugated bottom of which does not allow the product come into contact with butter and fatty own juice. If cooking on an open fire, make sure that the food does not burn, otherwise it will form carcinogens. 11. Frozen vegetables and seafood always keep them in the fridge for emergency. Hungry so much that you feel: apple and yogurt is not restricted, and the house, unfortunately, there is no ready-made food? Reach bags, and within 5-7 minutes you will have what to eat. It's better than a sandwich or go for fast food. 12. Bran or any fiber-rich foods vegetables, particularly cabbage and cauliflower, small beans, mushrooms, various fruits ... Communicating with fatty acids, fiber slows the absorption of fat and lower cholesterol. 

13. Milk A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that consumption of dairy products may reduce the Absorption of fat. Recruit volunteers with approximately equal physical data, scientists have broken them into groups and made ​​all equal in fat content, but different in content of milk diet. When they measured blood levels of triglycerides, it turned out that he was the lowest in those who drank more milk. "But do not forget that along with the milk perfectly assimilated cholesterol. It is not necessary to consume it along with meat products, "- says nutritionist Anna Belousova.

 14. Green tea study in vitro, the results of which were published in the Journal of Nutritional Bioche-mistry, found that green tea extracts Fat Absorption in difficult environment of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time this drink activates and splitting. One "but": green tea and stimulates the heart. You should not drink it in large quantities. 15. Paper napkins This simple device will help you a little, when you are going to eat a piece of meat or fish, allegedly cooked in butter. We repeat: a little bit! Blot it with a napkin, and you reduce the fat content of 2-3 "Do not flatter yourself too - warns Cindy Moore, a spokesman for American Dietetic Association. - The basic amount of fat frying time to soak in. And what you get wet at the surface of a hamburger or pizzas, and does juice can be recovered. " From this it is best to give food! Avoid foods that contain hidden fats. Sausages, salami, sausages, canned fish and meat, cheese, pastries much more calories than they seem. In his doctoral sausage, for example, 22% fat, although in appearance you do in life is not defined.
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