
Causes and treatment of scalp pain

Causes and treatment of scalp pain

treatment of scalp pain

Causes and treatment of scalp pain

The scalp is a layer of skin covering the head except the face and often the scalp is susceptible to many different causes. If you suffer from scalp pain, what are the possible causes and how can the problem be resolved?


Scalp pain
Pain of hair
Pain at the top of the scalp
Pain in hair follicles
Scalp pain when combing
Pain in the scalp when touching or moving or when pressed
Hair loss and scalp pain
Treatment of scalp pain when moving hair
Hair Massage
Symptoms of inflammation of the nerves in the head

Pain of hair

Hair loss is one of the problems that many people face. This 

occurs because of a variety of causes, which may be genetic 

or external.
The genetic causes of childhood and hair are often fragile
External factors may be due to the use of dyes, hair care 

products or hair styling temperature, and may be the result of 

wrong hair styling, especially the work of the ponytail on a daily 

Treatment is done by identifying the cause of the condition and 

overcoming it, as well as using preparations that contribute to 

the treatment of hair fragility.

Pain at the top of the scalp

The feeling of pain in the scalp occurs especially at the top 

because of a variety of causes, most notably skin diseases 

and bacterial and fungal infections that affect the scalp.
Lice is also one of the reasons for feeling this pain
This pain may occur as a reaction to headaches, especially as 

a result of stress
Sometimes, this pain occurs due to various environmental 

conditions, especially extreme heat, extreme cold or wind
Pain in the scalp may occur due to certain types of organic 

diseases, especially temporal artery inflammation
Pain treatment by treatment is the cause of this.
More: How can hair protect naturally?

Pain in hair follicles

The feeling of pain in hair follicles is the result of a variety of 

reasons, especially the use of inappropriate shampoo, or 

excessive use of hairdressing products
Pain is associated with itching and burning
Treatment depends on the cause of this change by shampoo 

type, away from hair styling and excessive use of hairdressing 


Scalp pain when combing

Many women feel pain when combing hair and this is the 

result of different factors and reasons
The causes are often either satisfactory, neurological or 

Organic causes in the form of disease or dermatitis such as 

Neural causes may result from peripheral nerve pressure 

feeding the head
The psychological causes are anxiety, stress and stress

Pain in the scalp when touching or moving or when pressed
Many people experience pain when they touch or click the 

scalp, due to a combination of factors and causes
Some people get this condition because of certain types of 

diseases, especially contact dermatitis, or as a result of 

infection, especially fungal infections because they affect 

different parts of the scalp and this is the pain
Often, the invasion of lice causes pain
The use of certain types of hair preparations may cause an 

allergic reaction on the scalp so that it can be inferred from the 

feeling of pain from touching or pressing the scalp
Tension, anxiety and various weather factors are one of the 

Treatment As with any of the above, so that the treatment can 

be identified and overcome, the patient may sometimes have 

to use some anti-inflammatory drugs and fungi, after 

consulting your doctor to overcome this situation.

Hair loss and scalp pain

Patients often complain of hair loss associated with pain in the 

In many cases, painful feeling in the scalp may cause hair loss
Hair loss may occur due to genetic factors and gastrointestinal 

factors such as ringworm or follicle, radiotherapy or 

chemotherapy, hair removal by chemicals, skin diseases such 

as lupus, skin allergies caused by exposure to various factors, 

skin cancer
Hair loss often occurs gradually and may increase over time if 

it is not treated and the cause is controlled.

Treatment of scalp pain when moving hair
Pain is treated in this case based on the cause of the 

occurrence, as follows:

Stay away from factors and conditions that may cause 

psychological stress, anxiety or stress to the person.
Use hair conditioners that protect hair from harsh 

environmental conditions.
In cases of lice, shampoos should be used to overcome lice, in 

addition to taking care to take measures that will reduce the 

incidence of this infection again.

If allergies occur as a result of the use of certain types of hair 

preparations, they should be discontinued immediately. In 

some cases, it may be necessary to visit the doctor to describe 

the treatment that helps to mitigate the effects.
If the cause of this is the incidence of certain types of 

diseases, whether organic or infectious or skin, it is necessary 

to visit the doctor is only able to describe the treatment in 

proportion to the condition of the patient.
Avoid malpractice such as hair styling on a daily basis or 

excessive hair-bending sessions.

 Hair Massage
Hair and scalp massage should be done periodically because 

of its great benefits to the hair and scalp. It works to 

strengthen hair roots, which in itself contributes to the natural 

growth of hair.
The hair massage improves the flow of blood circulation in the 

head, neck and scalp area and this has a major role in 

reducing the feeling of headaches, neck and headache
In addition, the scalp massage gives relaxation and relaxation.
Scalp massage contributes to increase the production of the 

hormone happiness in the human body, and the effect is 

reflected on the body's various organs It improves the 

breathing process and reduce eye strain and gives the 

muscles of the eyes relax.

Symptoms of inflammation of the nerves in the head
Nerves extend throughout the human body, including the 

head, causing inflammation of the head nerves to the pain that 

begins in the upper neck area behind the head and then 

continues to different areas of the head, and the emergence of 

this inflammation in the form of a set of signs and symptoms 

that Come as follows:

Feeling pain when you move the neck.
Light sensitivity.
Pain in all areas of the head may extend pain to the forehead 

and eyes.
Itching and burning sensation in the head and scalp often start 

from the bottom of the head and extend to different parts of 

the head.

  1. I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that I would be healed someday.This disease started to circulate all over my body and I have been taking treatment from my doctor, a few weeks ago I came on search on the internet if I could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search I saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man DR Amslem and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so I wrote to DR Amslem telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that I was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later I started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that I have cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if I have been finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advice is if you have such sickness or any other like HSV1,2,HPV1,2,3,CANSER HIV,COLE SORES,TOOTH AKEA,SYMPTOMS,y. you can email DR AMSLEM on( dramslem420@gmail.com sir I am indeed grateful for the help I will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address ( dramslem420@gmail.com or you can also WhatsApp him on this number +2348076595861

  2. Am so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-hoster ( crabby crew ) for 5 years but last year i loose my job because of this deadly disease called HIV and Herpes(herpes and cold sore outbreaks), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctor report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HIV and Herpes positive that make me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i was so depress was thinking of committing suicide, till i explain to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to this Doctor Called Dr Aziba , that was how i contacted him and i get medication from him and i got cured for real, I just went back to my work and they also carry out the test to be real sure and i was negative. Please contact Dr Aziba if you are HIV And Herpes or any kind of disease you got infected with do contact the Herbal Doctor via his Email ( priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com ) or call or via WhatsApp[ +2348100368288 ]
    doctor is a life saver.


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