
16 foods that help to overcome depression

You have a bad mood or depression? Do not worry! 16 foods that help to overcome this problem! 

Regardless of what the cause of depression below products can help to get out of it. Even if the depression does not pass completely, and certainly improve your mood. Of course, the need to eliminate the causes of depression, and do it better in combination with the use of the products listed below - and then get out of the depression will be faster and more efficient. In general, the problem of depression and approached the best overall, even considering some important points and listed a few ways to improve your mood. 

My system today and diet 

Before you go to the list of natural products, and antidepressants, and I must say a few words about proper nutrition and daily routine. The fact that the commitment of the day - and this is very important because the mood and physical well-being depends to a large extent on whether the person is in harmony with the time of day or not. Optimally even in the morning at sunrise, when all nature is awakening, and go to bed at around the 21:00 to 22:00, and then the body and mind, the human nervous system resting well, which is very important if we want to eliminate depression. In the development of today's sure to include physical exercises (or at least warm), as well as the shower - morning and evening. Water treatment - is also a cure for depression. As for diet, you should know what products are in what time it is best to use; avoid foods that do not suit you. Know how to cook and eat. All of this can be learned from the lectures on Ayurveda - the ancient science of human health. Information on the correct operation of the day a lot, it is important and useful, well worth it for careful study. 

Eating foods on the time of day 

Products from depression - is, first and foremost, and sweet fruits and berries, taste and smell that you want. Be aware that if you do not like the taste or flavor of the product, whether it's fruit, vegetables, berries and other foods, and yet it does not suit you, so do not eat it should be, even if it was "very useful." You also need to know that most of the fruits and berries contain solar energy - energy of joy, enthusiasm and positive, while the vegetables contain more energy than the moon - the power of relaxation and calm. For this reason, the solar energy products, and the moon is best not to mix and eat separately, in different meals. Fruits and berries are best to eat in the morning, in the morning than in the evening or at night, because it stimulates, and give a boost of energy. Said is also possible. But vegetables are best to eat in the late afternoon, especially steamed or boiled - they will calm down and relax. Can be eaten raw vegetables during the day, as they have a lot of prana - vital energy needed to replenish the body with this knowledge, we can somehow control the mood and health, which will help to improve the health and out of depression. 

Top products from depression 

Will be listed next to the products, which typically contain the prevailing positive energy, and goodness. Science says that the products are useful because they contain vitamins and trace elements, minerals and textiles (fiber), carbohydrates, and fats, and proteins, and various chemical compounds. This is true, but Ayurveda focuses our attention on the energies in these products. There is the power of goodness, passion and ignorance, and out of the depression of the best use of the products, and energy saturated goodness. Let us now consider the most benevolent products: ANSI - sweet spice contains a lot of good energy. Increases optimism improves mood. You can add ground anise not only to the dish, but in the drinks. badjan - spices also in goodness, and increases vitality, and serving on the rise and depression. Bananas - one of the most auspicious products. A banana gives peace and optimism, positive effect on the mind and emotions, relieves hard character. Barberry - one of the best berries to treat depression, because it greatly increases the optimism. Also suitable, and can be crushed dried barberries and added to tea or other drinks. Eat better in the morning, but can be a bit in the afternoon. Pears - contains a lot of energy of joy and optimism dramatically increases, so, too, is an excellent way to enhance the mood. ROOT GOLDEN (also called Rhodiola rosea) - is quite strong natural remedy for depression, so it can be used only in the morning in very small quantities (add powder to drink or chew a piece of the spine). Afternoon and evening Golden Root is best not to use it, as it can cause excitation of the nervous system. Green Cardamom (different from the appearance of black - bright green box and the seeds inside) - spices are very useful because in addition to many useful medicinal properties, and removes depression. It can be used at any time of the day. Raspberry - improve your mood, and gives optimism, and increases vitality. MANGO - in itself a very useful product when mature. Our country does not grow, and bring him here, and tearing nedospevshim green. As an option - buy dried mango. Good product for the treatment of depression. Milk (cow) - a product of the good that brings peace. But not a solar product, and the moon, so the vast rough afternoon of people do not digest. Drinking well (crude) is the best in the evening before going to bed, or in the morning, preferably before sunrise. Porridge of milk and other dishes made ​​from milk, is absorbed well in the afternoon. In the milk, you can add more auspicious (sweet) spice and honey or sugar, which has been strengthened influence antidepressant large. At night, and good to drink a little of the hot milk sweetened with cardamom and fennel, you can also add a little nutmeg. On the morning of milk, you can add other spices benevolent listed here. Nutmeg - spices that contain the power of goodness and passion. These spices should say more than that, because it is one of the best natural remedies to get rid of depression. Muscat relaxes, calms the mind, and the elimination of negative emotions, and clarity of thought returns, and gives a sense of peace and bliss, and in large quantities - a permanent orgasm. One or two of nuts medium-sized can pull someone out of the crisis heavy, but keep in mind that the essential oils contained in the nutmeg, is not very favorable to the digestive system, so you should be careful not to overdo it with the "dose". Can be mixed with milk, nutmeg, ground, and then the stomach easier to handle, and the taste is not as cloying. Better service in the morning and at night anyway. Does not happen the influence of relaxation and calm immediately (within half an hour, sometimes an hour or two - until it reaches the full force of the work), and lasts from a few hours to days. Nutmeg is usually reduces the efficiency of the work, and it is advisable not to engage in strenuous physical activity. Better to kick back, relax, and listen to music, relax, and watch a movie or spend some time in a positive nature. At this time, and must avoid contact with people thinking negatively, the impact will also be reduced. Also reduced by nutmeg or cold water. Get a warm and comfortable environment, you will get the maximum benefit from the treatment of depression nutmeg. On the internet there nutmeg.narod.ru, nutmeg dedicated completely, where you can read about this product and how to use it more. Some people consider it a drug, because in large doses it gives euphoria, however, from the standpoint of science and spirituality are not. However, to participate in large doses nutmeg is not necessary, because, as mentioned above, there is a negative side - harm the digestive system. With respect to small doses - is very useful spice that can be a healthy way to eat one almost every day. Has vasodilating, and warming, and the impact of an anti-spasm, and improves digestion, improves the immune system, and even relieves pain. Previously, nutmeg, thanks to a wide range of useful features, it was worth its weight in gold, fell and is now available for all. MED - the concentration of power of love, and 100% of the power of goodness, so it is a great tool to enhance not only the mood and tone of the body, but also for the treatment of many diseases. Exercise caution when choosing a honeymoon - only purchase one that has the smell of a new and fun, and has a taste that you like. You can go types and only one or two of honey from the overall market. Condensed milk - a favorite with many of the products of childhood. Contains milk (one of the most auspicious products) and sugar, a good focus. This combination of condensed milk makes an excellent way to lift your mood and treat depression. Will be half the adult enough tin or jar to "suffering." In condensed milk, you can add a little spice antidepressant. Licorice (licorice) - the most powerful treatment for depression, and gives great power of optimism. To use this product in the food can only be in the morning. Venice - carries a large force of goodness, and improve your mood dramatically. Rosehip, rose, hibiscus - a variety of roses, these plants are saturated with good positive energy.

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