
7 Commandments of eternal youth and beauty.

The doctor remained famous French Catherine to 120-year-old youth, vitality and zhizneradostnym.Po him, the secret of longevity is that it is three times a year - spring, summer and autumn - for two weeks saw the so-called elixir of life. 




Is prepared as follows: 400 g of oat thoroughly washed, poured six liters of boiling water and cook until there are even three liters of fluid. Then the broth is filtered through cotton 0.100 grams of honey, a tight lid, and give more time to a boil, cool, and pour into a clean bottle, sealed and placed in the refrigerator. Before they are used in the glass squeezed lemon juice (to taste). Drink broth for half an hour before eating 100 grams of very small sips. 


  Oatmeal broth completely cleanses the body, and promotes weight loss and renewal, full value of nutrients and vitamins.

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