Diagnosis and Symptoms of shoulder dislocation
The shoulder joint is the most mobile in the human body, it can be rotated in different directions. However, this feature is the negative side - any exposure to the disorders. About 60% of them are exactly the shoulder joint injury. This is simply due to the relative weakness of the shoulder joint anatomy, particularly the weakness of the device portfolio in the front shoulder. Other factors explain the high incidence of dislocation in the shoulder are: size mismatch humeral head and the glenoid cavity of the blade, a large cavity of the shoulder joint, especially in the shoulder muscles.
Of the main symptoms of dislocated shoulder - the pain and the inability to normal functioning of the shoulder joint. These symptoms occur immediately after the injury. Good hand bearing the victim was injured limb, and fixing it in the deflection of light and transform the situation. In the dislocation of the shoulder joint is deformed, it is even noticeable to the eye. Other symptoms include numbness, swelling, weakness, and bruises. It may also be torn ligaments, nerve damage, tendon rupture shoulder.
There is a certain classification of shoulder disorders. And divided them all into congenital and acquired. Acquired, subdivided, to shock and painless. Non-traumatic shoulder dislocation - is arbitrary and pathogenesis of chronic dislocation. Shock include: non-complex and complex: with ruptured tendons, nerve damage, fractures, chronic and habitual.
The damage can be divided into complete and incomplete. When completed (called subluxation), the head of the humerus is only partially out of the joint cavity, with full, go completely. Both types cause the victim pain and is characterized by the instability of the shoulder joint.
If symptoms dislocated shoulder doctor compulsory set rays. If the patient has already occurred such injuries, and the high risk of instability in the shoulder. When the head of the joint investigation revealed the shoulder to the outside or to the inside of the glenoid cavity. Active movements of the shoulder is impossible, and attempts to perform movements cause negative resistance. Accompanying palpation of pain. Often accompanied by damage to blood disorders major, so the doctor examines the pulse of the affected limb.
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