
Face Gelatin

Face Gelatin is one of the best ways to restore youth and beauty of the skin health! Gelatin, collagen-rich in the quantity of other useful ingredients can work wonders! To learn how to cook these masks at home and we will tell you in this short article. 

Face Gelatin - Recipes effective: 

The first recipe. 

For the preparation of anti-aging, moisturizing and must be filled out and softening mask with a teaspoon of granulated or powdered gelatin ten large (canteens) tablespoons of fresh milk cool, then cover the pot with a mixture of towel and wait until the gelatin does not swell, and absorb all the milk. Then you must mass shooting in a water bath until smooth, then add to the mix a tablespoon of milk and other means of removing heat ready. Now carefully spread a little radiator mask across the surface of the face, using a brush or a piece of cotton and wait for half an hour. After this time, you must get rid of the mask with a piece of cotton wool and warm milk. After the operation, it is recommended to wipe the face with a piece of ice. This is like a mask for all skin types. 

The second recipe. 

To prepare a homemade mask following food need to mix in a clean container or deep dish gelatin dissolves (teaspoon) with a spoonful of soft butter. The mixture is dissolved in a water bath and stir until smooth, then remove from heat and add 3-5 drops of any essential oil. Apply the mask is finished and washed as in the previous recipe. 

The third recipe. 

Fill a clean cup with ten tablespoons of cold milk, a teaspoon of powdered gelatin, and wait until all the liquid is absorbed, then fan the block a couple of water bath. Now remove the gelatin from the heat and mix it with a tablespoon of fat cheese and one tablespoon of fresh citrus juice (such as cranberry). If the mass of extremely dense, it can be diluted to a creamy milk state. Apply the mask evenly over the surface of the face and leave for twenty minutes. Wash yourself with masks can be a traditional warm water from the tap. 

Prescription fourth. 

Solution of gelatin powder with water, as described above, then mix it with two tablespoons of mashed banana and a tablespoon of fresh cream. Apply a thin layer of the mask on your face and wait 10-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water or milk.

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