
Facial massage with ice cubes


Massage with ice cubes, attempt to do doubly every week when taking tub|a shower} or a steam bath for the face directly. this can strengthen and rejuvenate the skin, provides it a good blood circulation and tone. we have a tendency to proceed to the procedure!

Prepare a instrumentation full of predicament, atiny low hand towel and ice cubes (they may be ready as pure or drinking water, with the addition of essential oils burn plant, flavouring infusions, tea, coffee, milk, fruit juice).

Dip a towel in predicament, extract and apply it to the complete face.

After cooling towels, take associate cube and massage your forehead, cheeks, neck and low-necked. Ice, gently glide over the skin, can provide associate haunting expertise, smooth wrinkles, refresh your skin. For a massage treatment with ice, use 2 ice cubes.

After the massage, you wish to repeat a hot compress, wash with cool water and apply to the skin nutritive and moisturizing cream.

For bigger impact may be more to water before freeze any essential oils.

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Effective the subsequent mixture for ice massage.

• one glass of drinking water + four drops of wood oil, three drops of myrrh oil, four drops of pine oil, five drops of flavouring. smart tone and association. Ideal for aging and dry skin.

• one cup of water + five drops of rose volatile oil + a pair of drops of herb oil and also the same quantity of flavouring. Rose can build ice cubes fragrant herb soothe the skin, and mint provides it freshness. Such a mix will do ice massage breasts.

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