


Remove freckles - is long-term. So, you should do it early and repeating the cycle in the spring. It can only be called a cosmetic defect is a defect with respect. Like many freckles. 

Wipe the skin with a solution (1: 1). Glycerol and water survey regularly, at least 2 months, lemon juice and fresh cabbage juice in equal quantities.

 Juice evening, do not wash; applied on the face clean and more than juice movie apply the cream bleach. In a cup of milk to dissolve one tablet of aspirin. Wiping the face in the morning and evening.

 In the evening, make sure you wash it after an hour. Action to be stronger, use a decoction of the leaves of willow, which, through their actions similar to aspirin. 8 tablespoons of crushed leaves and twigs of willow 2 cups of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and cool. Mixed with two cups of milk. Wash or wipe his face. At night, do not rinse.

 Wipe the face of the fresh juice of cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe and sour cream to make a mask. Lemon juice and one mixed with 2 tablespoons of sour cream too fat. Applying a thick mask for 20 minutes. Remove with a cotton swab and put it on top of cream bleach. 15-20 grind almonds, pour a cup of boiling water, and allowed to cool, wash or wipe his face. 20 almonds in a mortar and grind to a state mushy, add 2-3 drops of olive oil, and once again grinding applied to the face as a mask for 20 minutes.

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