
How to protect yourself from weakness

"A young and very healthy" - unfortunately, in the past decade, this statement became controversial increasingly, and disease - all younger. Even ten years ago, the eye clinic patients, mostly elderly. Today, even such a serious disease, such as cataracts, and occurs in people 35 years of age. Not to mention the short-sightedness and long sightedness with which, during the life of all the faces of Russian. One of the main reasons for this bleak situation - the daily work at the computer. In ophthalmology talk there even a special term - "an eye for the computer." 

Decision. Reduce the negative impact of the computer on the eye to help these simple rules. 

* The room where the computer is located, must not be less than 10 square meters. M and shelter, ventilation constantly to ensure the flow of oxygen to the eye membrane. 

* Should not be reflected light source on the screen. 

* Do not operate in the dark. In the evening in a room to create a bluish light. 

* Every 45 minutes to do a little break, and give your eyes a rest, "knead" to them, and do exercises for the eyes. Drop perhaps prevent from a special diet. Vitamins B (found in nuts, grains, fish) affecting responsible for vision centers in the brain and retina cells. With a lack of vitamin A (carrots, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables), worst eye adapts to the dim lighting distinguish blue and yellow. 

Suffer from a lack of muscle askorbinki that control eye movements, and muscle, and change the status of the lens. Potassium (bananas and honey) case is made of eye blood vessels, and the supply of oxygen. Zinc (there are oyster mushrooms) helps your eyes adjust to bright light. 90% of Japanese people wear glasses in Africa - only 2%. That is, a number of eye diseases and the level of development in the country - the relevant facts.

 In this case, scientists proved that the choice of true points, including eyeglasses frames, does not impair vision and not contributing to the development of dependence. When you take them off, I understood just how clearly she's still uncomfortable - stare down. 

Exercises three minutes, which was appointed in the day to help train the eye muscles to slow the progression of myopia and quickly relieve fatigue and stress. These exercises are useful to repeat at least 7-10 times in each direction. Exercise: With eyes closed to recall pleasant moments of life. Exercise

 1: Make a circular motion with open eyes in a clockwise direction, and then against the movement in straight lines and diagonal. Exercise 

2: blink 100 times. Exercise

 3: Place your palms on the eyes closed and try to achieve deep black color. Exercise

 4: Keep your eyes to the nose. Exercise

 5: Select 2 Item located near you, and at some distance, and looked from one to the other. 

! Strange essential vitamins for the eyes set forth in perfect shape and the optimal combination in sunflower seeds. A handful of sunflower seeds per day - roughly the same path vitamins for the eyes. It is also helpful to eat lemons, grapes, pudding or porridge made ​​of wheat seeds germinating.

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