
Inexpensive ways to lower blood sugar

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world. Maintaining the blood sugar levels are normal first rule of every important person suffering from this disease. In this article, we will tell you about ways the most simple but very effective for lowering blood sugar. 

Simple Ways and affordable to lower blood sugar: the first method. Few people know that regular tea from lime blossom helps to lower blood sugar. This mixture regularly eat healthy and delicious you can achieve amazing results. To make this tea need to take two big (canteens) color tablespoons lime and pour them a cup of boiling water pure. Now let's drink drink under cover for ten minutes in a warm place, then add the (optional) chopped lemon flavor. Take this tool throughout the day with an interval of 2-5 hours. To enhance the effect of this tea, traditional medicine recommends diabetics to replace all used beverage. Method two. Should be mixed in equal proportions of potato juice and beet juice and fresh Jerusalem artichoke. This drink you need to drink a cup of the third 30-40 minutes before meals in the morning and evening. . Duration of a course of treatment from one to five weeks. Third method for the preparation of a popular treatment of the following, you must mix equal quantities of such ingredients powder: color lime, bay leaf and beans and paper, mulberry leaves, grass and nettle and red clover. One drink - tablespoons of the gross collection cup of boiling water and leave to soak for twenty minutes in a warm place. Consume one-third of a cup a day of infusion. Duration: two to four weeks. The fourth way whisk one egg, then squeeze the lemon juice in it (the fruit of a small one), then mix well. Use this tool every morning on an empty stomach. . Duration: at least two weeks the way the fifth. Necessary to pour half a cup of oats, three cups of pure water or boiled and then put the mixture to simmer and boil for 10-15 minutes. Allow to brew (about an hour). Take half a cup of broth for 3-4 times a day before meals. Duration of a course of treatment: two - three weeks. Microwave therapy treatment of diabetes

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