Lenses or glasses: Why do you choose?
More and more people prefer contact lenses, because it is fast, convenient and beautiful. With contact lenses you can afford it, of what had to be abandoned at the point of use. However, it has not diminished the number of myths associated with lenses over the years.
1. contact lenses harmful for eyes, for wearing, will infect the cornea. Modern soft contact lenses do not hurt the eyes, is a convenient and safe for vision correction.
2. If you wear lenses, you need to use special cosmetics. Yes, this is true. When you wear lenses need to use specially certified (usually written on the packaging, "which was approved by ophthalmologists"), and hypoallergenic cosmetics.
3 lenses have a new generation has protection from UV rays, so there is no need for sunglasses. Sunglasses necessary, and only the lens to protect the cornea and internal departments of the eyes from the sun's rays. The rest of the eyes and eyelids remain open, so they have to defend points.
4. I do not need to contact lenses, because I only need glasses when working on the computer and I drive a car. The most common misunderstanding. If you need glasses for certain activities, this does not mean that you have bad eyesight. And you need to exercise constant correction. This leads to the absence of additional pressure on the eyes and the brain, and contribute to the further deterioration of vision.
5. contact lenses can lead to eye infections and diseases. Yes, this is possible if the lens in the eye fall of microorganisms. Causes of microorganisms on the lens associated with the cleansing of the poor, and the contamination of lenses perenashivanie container. So it is best to choose contact lenses for one day. Have been prepared on the basis of Article
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