Skin condition during pregnancy
Pregnancy - significant changes in all parts of a woman's body. There is a skin condition, it can be reflected in different ways: through the improvement of the situation and the emergence of some of the "lights" internal stretch marks and pigmentation of both fatty, dry or combination skin you have, and his condition is constantly changing throughout life. The cause of these changes may be climate change, and hormonal balance, and cosmetics used. During pregnancy, many women notice a dramatic improvement in their skin. It becomes more healthy and radiant. Likely reason for this (along with "charm motherhood" What is happening inside you) - to enhance the flow of blood to the face, giving them a healthy and bright color, such as the view inside. But not always so good. Often accompanies pregnancy due to changes in the case of rainbow-colored skin. This show signs of stretch marks red unpleasant stretch where suddenly more - the abdomen, chest and hips. Arise because the upper and middle classes of the skin does not have sufficient elongation, and increase your "size" rather than spread uniformly, and begin to take action. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you can use the fatty nourishing creams and lotions. But honestly, and genetically determined to a large extent any evidence that they actually help, rather than after, and the appearance of stretch marks and simply rely on an innate ability to stretch the skin more or less. After all, as has been said, stretched the skin of the middle classes, where only the cream can not penetrate. Instead helps massage, causing an increase in blood flow to problem areas and increase their expansion. But if the signs appeared, then you can do nothing. It is unlikely that you will be able to on their own to get rid of them completely. Fortunately, most of the stretch marks pale skin, and may even disappear completely within the next year. In the meantime, try not to expose your body to sunlight. Under the sun has become darker stretches and clearer. In addition, solar radiation does not improve the condition of your skin, but rather the contrary. Acne a lot of women, especially the young, and pointed out during pregnancy acne - acne. Acne occurs due to blockage of the pores of the skin, which can be caused by different factors, but probably one of them - the rapid growth of skin cells due to increased levels of estrogen in the body. These accumulate layers of cells, and prevent the escape freely from the pores of sebum and bacteria begin to multiply, causing inflammation of the skin and acne. If the woman before it prone to acne, during pregnancy, and these manifestations may deteriorate, and the transition is not only on the face but also on the back and chest. Do not rush to resort to acne medication - and this can only be done after the first three months of pregnancy. And many drugs generally should not be used during pregnancy. If the manifestations of acne you have very abundant, before you start treatment, you should consult your doctor. Well, in a timely and clean skin of dirt and old cells. For this option cleansing own masks and scrubs. If possible, give up makeup, especially powder, blush and foundation. Pigmentation during pregnancy, may appear brown (with women with very white skin - reddish) spots in the middle part of the abdomen, as well as on the face or neck (so-called "mask of pregnancy"). Cause pigmentation disorders - the same hormonal changes. Since hormonal imbalance were not able to change it, then you have to put up with pigmentation. Can clean stains prominent especially with lemon juice or a decoction of mint. Bleach, cosmetics and medical during pregnancy can not be used. If they are not gone pigmentation myself for a year after birth, and can be cured with the help of steroid ointments own, but only after the end of lactation. Genital changes during pregnancy vaginal walls thicken. Because of increased blood flow can change the color of the genitals - the emergence of violet and purple shades. This is quite normal and does not require any intervention. Changing nails during pregnancy, you may notice that your nails grow faster than usual. Hormones are responsible for it, with vitamins and a healthy diet. Many women spikes at this time and become stronger, and others, on the contrary, weaken and break easily. Avoid during pregnancy nails staining (not necessary to load the body of excess "Chemistry"), and if they break, and trim a shorter one. Whatever happens to your skin during pregnancy, and try not to forget that most of these changes are only temporary. Most likely, a year after the appearance of the long-awaited child of light, you will not notice any pigmentation, stretch marks or bright. But healthy changes, and try not to miss and after childbirth and to support sports and proper diet. Author: Marina Rabac
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