Why we eat more than what is required
More than 5,000 years, since the beginning of the human world, in terms of the saturation of the body has always relied on the hormone leptin, and aims to regulate energy metabolism in the body.
Is a peptide hormone that gives the brain a signal saturation.
However, in recent years, the regulator of the body often get confused, and the result was that people just can not stop in time, and continue to eat without end, and thus accumulate fat.
Why is this happening? Must be sorted out.
What happens when the brain can not hear Leptin signals
Leptin is produced by adipose tissue in the body. The importance of the active ingredient is in the brain relay important messages such as:
Eat when hungry.
The production of children;
To work to support themselves.
Most people believe that the brain is the highest of the food chain, although it is not so. In fact, the brain signals depends to a large extent on the information about the fat stores in the body, and thus the amount of energy needed for life.
In this context, more and more evidence to prove that the hormone leptin affects the parts of the brain responsible for the saturation of the body, and thus the man's desire to eat.
In this case, leptin - is also a kind of "doctor" of the body, which in the case of excess fat gives a signal to the brain that the body needs to start burning the accumulated surplus.
When the communication between leptin and the brain created the ideal man gets just a signal to the saturation and never overeat. However, if the connection fails, the man does not stop to eat, and as a result, fat accumulates.
Today, I arrived this problem on a wider scale, because if we analyze - entire countries suffer from obesity. Who is the culprit?
A lot of sugar
After spending a lot of research, experts and comes to the conclusion that the person who stopped the brain to hear leptin signals MUL eat sugar. The fact that the use of sugar causes a wave of insulin in the blood, and increased levels of which inhibit the activity of the hormone leptin.
And the abandonment of regular use of sugar from incredibly difficult. The reason is simple - use in food products in the body begins to produce natural opiates. That is, the brain gradually becomes addicted to this product. The strength of this effect is less than it was in the King James Version R. heroin consumption.
Scientists believe that they are in the language of the receptor responsible for sweetness, developed in ancient times, when food products, such as sugar and simply were not present. Today, motivation abnormally high from these receptors delivers frequent references to the brain, dulling mechanisms of restraint and create symptoms of tolerance, which leads in the end to rely on sugar.
Here is how to comment on this position, Dr. Mercola:
"Fun Center is of fundamental importance for the survival of the human race. Stop fun, and you turn the will to live! However, stimulation of long-term pleasure centers leads to addiction. Problem is that over time, the signal becomes weaker and die. To maintain it requires individual product increasingly for the same effect.
You can be sure sugar is addictive and destructive addiction. This happens with ten nicotine, cocaine, ALK erosion and morphine, with any medication, and with sugar as well. It can be concluded that sugar addiction is a killer - it leads to obesity, diabetes and other deadly diseases. "
There is no doubt that sugar is toxic to humans. The proof of this - only a matter of time. Soon, in this thesis, no doubt as a doubt that smoking causes lung cancer.
The average American consumes 12 teaspoons of sugar a day. But about two tons of sugar in a lifetime! In this case, statistics show that over the years, people only increases the amount of use of this product. But of all the particles that can harm the body, sugar molecules are more dangerous.
In particular, sucrose and accelerates the aging process. It also promotes the growth of fat cells around vital organs, leading to cardiovascular disease and the development of diabetes.
In addition to sucrose leads to a jump of insulin in the body and blocks leptin, obesity threatens not only, but also a hormonal imbalance in the body that are premature aging and chronic degenerative diseases.
But usually people also exacerbates food, and eating, as well as sugar, white bread, cakes, cookies, pasta, and then eating foods rich in carbohydrates, low density. It is easy to understand why so many people are suffering from obesity.
Is it possible to reduce consumption of sugar?
Dr. Mercola officially announced that out of this vicious circle, and maintain its shape and, most importantly, their health, we can reduce the use of sugar only. For starters, you can use a substitute for sugar s, which do not cause addiction or the use of natural sweetener - Grass Art Evia.
It is important to remember that only iskusst local government can also cause damage to the body. This means that the risk of engaging in their own.
To reduce the consumption of sugar should be excluded from the diet products processing, most of which contain sugar. Even the soup, bread and salad dressings often include this component.
It is important to use natural products, at the same time to reduce the consumption of fructose to 25 grams per day, including fresh fruit.
I wish you health!
Leptin regulates the brain cells and tell you to stop when the amount of fats stored in the body is already on the normal levels.