Winter Menu: Food for SUGREVU
In winter, the main thing - do not freeze to not get sick and do not get cold. This will help antimoroznaya food. This is not some soup and pancakes! Meat and fish main winter - do not lean on cold dishes. In cold weather, spent a large portion of the calories stored on warming, and they need to fill more intense than it was during the warmer months. Only begin to deteriorate immunity.
In general, it is necessary to ensure that the total number of calories per day will be at least 2000 we need more of the vegetable and animal fats and animal proteins - that is, meat and fish and the types of fat from dairy products. Recently, in addition to assisting in the organization and function of the digestive system and often break when super cold.
Warming effect
Personally cold freezes not only, but tired quickly. We'll heating herbs and spices, especially black pepper, red, ginger and cinnamon. Moreover, cinnamon and ginger not only quite warm, but also charges the body with extra energy, with daytime sleepiness, which was forced to move faster and more difficulty in thinking. Excellent hot and energize the body roasted nuts on the backburner and edible chestnuts. A beneficial effect, especially almonds, cashews, walnuts and pistachios. If nuts for you - the food is very heavy, you can replace pumpkin seeds.
Vegetarian dishes are also valuable in terms of warm up the body. These potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, carrots, and a variety of fresh vegetables and pumpkin porridge, and all the dishes of peas and beans ... potatoes are good in all forms of stewed - bread, fried, pies potatoes ... do not forget the porridge morning of wheat, rolled oats and buckwheat , and you can add oil, nuts, dried fruit and spices. Particularly useful in winter oatmeal - a source of vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, and amino acids, and biotin.
All of these substances help to move the cold without dryness and brittle hair and nails, without red scaly patches on the face, with no cracks in the corners of the lips. Cocktails winter road in addition to humans, and the dishes were invented normal daily special, and special methods to quickly warm the body and hold the heat generated. These methods include "Cocktail snow from the road" - a mixture of 1 tablespoon of honey and a pinch of black pepper. "Cocktail" must be taken in the morning and before going out in the street - in the cold and wind. If honey with pepper very unpleasant to swallow, it can be diluted with a mixture of warm water, such as powder and chug Medical. But the American's "green juice winter" (though in fact it is the authority), which is activated only that, but also improves peristalsis.
You can cook fresh, her choice, celery, lettuce, and fill it with vegetable oil with mustard, seasoned with black pepper and ginger. Black tea against frost followers herbal tea green standing on the cold weather to go for black tea. Drinking needs a strong, hot, with honey or sugar, you can add cinnamon, ginger and cardamom. This black tea has a high thermal qualities and allows the body to retain heat and enthusiasm for a few hours. You can not reject herbal teas, and simply added to the black tea. In addition, some herbs stimulate the body to generate more heat - for example, the flowers of the linden, cornflower, jasmine flowers and leaves of wild strawberries, blackberries, raspberries. Just keep in mind: this tea speeds in excess of appetite banana - yes, lemons - there are some products in the period of continuous frost diet is desirable to eliminate - it gives a wonderful effect.
This is primarily limes, apples, berries, vegetables and fruits of all colors of green and white. Prefer sugary and starchy fruit - grapes, figs, pears and plums.
Grenades and beautiful, which enhances the heat-resistant properties of the natural organism. It seems, too, because without lemons, oranges, tangerines, because in winter the body's need for vitamin C increases? There is nothing wrong, can sometimes to eat and mandarinchik, but for the winter menu still sauerkraut more optimized, grenades and hips broth. An excellent choice for a list of winter - bananas.
They are a valuable source of happiness hormone - serotonin, which is necessary to generate a lot of sunlight. What is the Russian winter sun? That's right, almost zero. To fill the gap, not just bananas, but also chocolate. Do not miss this small pleasures!
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