
Creams and lotions for dry skin

Dry facial skin has high sensitivity and reacts powerfully to varied external stimuli and factors. Therefore, dry skin needs particularly careful care and special instrumentation.

Before applying the cream, it ought to be to scrub the face tonic, then build a hot compress infusion of flowers and herbs . when this procedure, the pores open and also the cream are absorbed well.

The infusion is ready in cookware follows:

2 tablespoons of the mixture of Chamaemelum nobilis, peppermint, sage, or linden pour boiling water (0.5 L). when quarter-hour, strain the infusion into a glass or china. Then take 2 items of gauze and sunray in many layers - one for the neck, the opposite for the person to form a cutout for the nose. Moisten a bit of gauze within the roasted heat infusion and apply on face and neck. when cooling, take away the wrap and repeat 2-3 times to the facial skin is warm.

The compress are often eluded the infusion of herbs or with infusion of any single herbs.

After cleansing the skin and warming it bears the nutrient wealthy cream. it should contain a spread of vitamins (A, E, F), the biologically active substances and stimulants (hormones, lecithin, steroid alcohol, secretion, chlorophyl, enzymes), extracts from plants (aloe, rose, lemon, ginseng root, root devil) and et al.

Some creams will irritate dry skin. Therefore, before the employment is conducted alleged skin test:

a small quantity of cream unclean skin behind the ear or on the neck. If when 1-2 hours on the skin doesn't seem redness, cutaneous sensation or burning, the cream are often safely used.

Cream set to depart on the face of a most of 2 hours. Before time of day removed excess cream with a soft artifact.

Sometimes dry skin cream ought to be applied for a extended time (overnight). during this case, we have a tendency to advocate the wet methodology of applying cream on face. For this purpose, soaked in water and squeezed gently swab is place atiny low quantity of fat cream. Next swab lightweight squashing and hand clapping movements applied to the skin. once applying this methodology, the cream into the skin penetrating each fat and wet.

Dry Skin Care: Creams and lotions

Here area unit some recipes for creams and tonics for improvement and softening dry skin.

Yolk and cream cream for dry skin

1 fixings mixed with one00 g of thirty per cent cream, add a tablespoon of hard drink, strong drink or balsam, and also the juice of [*fr1] a lemon.

Yolk-sour cream

100 g recent cream combine totally with the nutrient of one egg, pour 1/4 cup of hard drink, combine well once more, add the juice of [*fr1] a lemon and blend.

"Please note that pets creams perishable , so that they ought to be keep within the icebox for 5-7 days."

Dry Skin Care: Creams and lotions

If your skin doesn't tolerate liquid creams, lotions, beverage home-brewed - from strawberries or elderberries.

Strawberry lotion for dry skin

1 tablespoon grated strawberries Stir in one cup of cold water and a soft, strain through many layers of veiling. Lotion not solely cleans, however additionally nourishes the skin. Lotion of elderberries.

Handful of flowers elderberry pour one cup boiling water, leave for ten minutes, cool and strain.

Instead elderberry may also use the pharmacy Chamaemelum nobilis, lime flowers or sage. of these extracts soften and cleanse the skin, removing the irritation.

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