
Natural cosmetics. Yeast mask for normal skin

The helpful properties of yeast celebrated to nearly everybody. Vitamins B and D, amino acids and mineral salts facilitate to normalize metabolism, strengthening overall immunity, however they are also helpful for the health and sweetness of your skin for cell regeneration. Here ar some toning masks for traditional skin yeast-based.

Yeast toning mask with food and juices

Mix a tablespoon of yeast, 1/2 tablespoon of food, a teaspoon of juice, an equivalent quantity of juice and vegetable oil. If the skin is incredibly dry, add a bit oil if the skin is incredibly oily, don't add oil. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Do 2-3 times every week. Course of fifteen masks.

Yeast toning mask

Take 15-20 grams of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, dilute with water till thick cream, milk or oil (for dry skin). Diluted yeast apply on face and leave for 15-20 minutes. once the burning is important to get rid of the mask with water at temperature. Do once every week. Course of ten masks.


Yeast change of color Mask with Lemon

Dilute 15-20 grams of yeast during a tablespoon of milk to the mixture add a teaspoon of juice, combine everything totally and apply on face for twenty minutes. Then rinse with heat water and apply on face cold compress. Do one two times every week. The course is 15-20 procedures.

Yeast change of color Mask with grapefruit

Take 15-20 grams of yeast and stir totally with a 1-1.5 teaspoon of fruit crush. Dishes with a combination placed on for 2-3 minutes in predicament. Mask placed on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with a weak answer of tea. Face wipe and smear cream. Do two times every week. Course of twenty masks.

Yeast mask

Mix 1/2 sticks yeast with a teaspoon of honey and therefore the same quantity of juice to urge soft mass. Leave the mixture to ferment during a heat place. once the mass increase within the quantity of 2-3 times, apply on face for half-hour. If the mask is dry throughout this point, moisten it with water or juice on prime. Do two times every week. Course of fifteen masks.

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