
Universal mask for combination skin

These masks contain lots of vitamins and wont to improve the nutrition of the skin, that is extremely necessary within the spring at the time of hypovitaminosis.

Mask of flour

Sit reception with the child? don't chuck beauty! Even after you ought to cook dish boring. two tablespoons terribly heat and thick flour, combine with one teaspoon of honey, egg yolk, 1/2 teaspoon salt, one teaspoon of oil and one teaspoon of juice. Apply on face for half-hour.

Almond Mask

Our praprababushek almonds enjoyed a well-deserved name change of color and smoothing agent. almond kernels grind in an exceedingly grinder or grind in an exceedingly ceramic ware mortar. By one teaspoon crushed almonds add one teaspoon oil or cream and one teaspoon of the food. All combine well and apply on face and neck for half-hour.

Grapefruit Mask

This mask tones aging skin. Pulp from the pulp of the grapefruit (1 tablespoon to the top), combine with ingredient or recent cream. The ensuing mass is placed on hand and neck, pre-peeled fruit crush. Procedure was perennial 2-3 times per week. period of the course - twenty masks.

Mask with victuals

This mask refreshes and tightens the skin, slows the aging method. Take one tablespoon of honey, egg yolk, eight drops of oil resolution of fat-soluble vitamin, twenty millilitre of milk and one slice of pumpernickel. Bread pour hot milk and leave for 3-5 minutes. Then add honey, ingredient and fat-soluble vitamin. All Stir and apply to face. Rinse once 15-20 minutes.

Yolk-sour cream mask

This mask is extremely well nourishes and tones the skin. This mask is suggested to try to to if once work you have got to travel to a home or any party. one ingredient rub with one hundred g cream, then add the finely ground powder in lemon rind and leave it in an exceedingly closed vessel. once quarter-hour, to the mixture, add one teaspoon of oil and stir well. Then apply a thick layer on the skin and leave to dry. Rinse with water extracts of parsley. Complete the cold compress.


Mask of cabbage leaves

This mask cleanses and tones the face. Wipe the skin with olive or oil, apply 5-7 minutes compress moistened towel warm in tisane. Thereafter, minced cabbage leaves, apply on face for twenty minutes. The procedure is finished 2-3 times per week. Course - twenty treatments. Pulp from the leaves are often mixed with cream, ingredient or flour.

Oatmeal Mask

This mask, one element of that is that the infusion of elderflower, softens and tones the skin any. Take 1/2 cup milk, two tablespoons of oatmeal and also the same range of elderberry tincture. Flakes boil in milk as cook dish. once the mixture is soft, add the elderberry tincture. The ensuing mass continues to be heat, apply to face and neck with a thick layer. once twenty minutes, wash it off with heat, then rinse face with cool water.

Honey Mask

This mask nourishes and moisturizes the skin, it's appropriate for people who have facial skin heavily shelled. Take one hundred g of honey, 2 yolk, one hundred g of oil. Rub well and slightly heat. Apply the mask in divided doses at intervals of 5-7 minutes and rinse with a cotton swab swaybacked in broth linden. once vasodilatation and "star" honey mask isn't suggested.

Curd Mask

This mask nourishes, moisturizes and whitens the skin. Prepare it with pot cheese, olive oil, milk and juice. elements soak up equal proportions, rub well and apply to face with a thick layer of 15-20 minutes. Rinse with heat water, and so wipe your face and neck with a bit of ice.

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