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Flatulence Causes Symptoms and Treatment |
Flatulence: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
The outline of the article:
Causes of gas accumulation
Symptoms of Flatulence
Flatulence treatment
Diet for flatulence
Folk remedies for the treatment of flatulence
Flatulence or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a syndrome of accumulation of an abundant amount of gas in the intestine, which is accompanied by bloating and cramping pain.
This disease can manifest itself in two forms. In the first case, an increase in the size of the abdomen is noted, which is a consequence of bloating, but the discharge of gases, as a rule, does not occur due to spasmodic pain in the colon. The second type of flatulence is, on the contrary, the frequent discharge of gases, which negatively affects the patient's stay in society, but without the sensation of pain.
Causes of gas accumulation
Features of nutrition - eating foods with a high fiber content: cabbage, beans, apples, peas cause an abundant accumulation of gases.
Inadequate production of important enzymes by the body.
Binge eating.
The use of carbonated drinks.
Swallowing poorly chewed food.
Gases that enter the body from the blood.
Frequent constipation.
Flatulence often occurs in newborns in the early days of their lives. This is due to the imperfection of the enzyme system or the violation of its functions.
In total, about two hundred milliliters of gas are in the gastrointestinal tract. Gases accumulated in the intestines are mucous foams that thinly coat the intestinal mucosa. Naturally, all this complicates digestion, reducing the activity of enzymes, and complicating the absorption of nutrients.
Symptoms of Flatulence
Usually, flatulence is accompanied by pain and, usually, such pain intensifies before the bowel bowel act and partially disappears after it. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, increased irritability, belching, bloating, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, burning in the heart, headaches, arrhythmias, insomnia, muscle pain and shortness of breath. It is worth taking into account that during flatulence, an active process of gas evolution occurs and it can be either arbitrary or involuntary, which is extremely undesirable. In newborns, the manifestation of this disease can be reflected in relatively nervous behavior. With flatulence, the child may experience redness of the skin of the face after feeding, frequent and violent cries, movements in which the baby tightens its legs to the stomach.
Flatulence treatment
You can eliminate pain with flatulence with antispasmodics, and bloating can be reduced with activated charcoal. You can also use Linex, Hilak-Forte and other drugs that affect this process. Usually, with flatulence, drugs are prescribed that interfere with the production of gases or accelerate their excretion, plant-based products. A strict diet may be prescribed. As a rule, flatulence is curable, and surgery is resorted to only if there is an urgent need for surgical intervention.
Diet is one way to cure flatulence. In order for the expected effect to be justified and the disease to recede, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the food intake schedule and follow the rules of the diet.
In the diet treated for flatulence must necessarily include foods rich in lactose. You can also include milk and dairy products. Of fruits, it is preferable to eat peaches and pears. Some types of cabbage and legumes are undesirable to eat under any guise. Undergoing treatment is highly recommended not to drink carbonated drinks, beer and other products that can trigger the fermentation process in the digestive system. But if you still really want sweet carbonated water, then before use, you should remove all the gas, leaving the drink open for a while.
While eating, it is strongly recommended to chew it thoroughly to prevent the ingress of large amounts of air with pieces of food. Doctors recommend eating foods that are high in protein a priority. This, for example, egg white, chicken, some low-fat beef varieties.
Folk remedies for the treatment of flatulence
In case of flatulence, ginger helps very well - after eating, you need to dissolve one quarter of a teaspoon.
One of the fastest and most effective remedies for bloating is dill water. Typically, this method is used to treat infants. It is enough to fill in a glass or a thermos or one tablespoon of dill seeds and pour a glass of boiling water over it, wait one hour until everything is infused and consumed. Children are advised to take the infusion three times a day, one teaspoon, while adults need to drink up to one glass of infusion per day. To preserve the beneficial properties of water, it should be stored in a glass bowl in a cool place. Also, before use, it is worth warming the tincture to room temperature.
Flatulence can also be cured by eating powder from carrot seeds. You need to take this powder three times a day for a teaspoon.
You can achieve the cure of flatulence if you use chamomile or fennel oil, cardamom, ajavan. Regular use of chamomile tea and cat, lemon or peppermint tea also helps.
Infusion of mint, fennel and valerian can also help. To prepare the infusion, you need to mix two parts of peppermint leaves, one part of valerian root and one part of fennel fruit. Two teaspoons of such a mixture should be poured with two hundred milliliters of boiling water and left to infuse for twenty minutes, then strain. It is required to take such medicine on one hundred milliliters in the morning and in the evening. But it is worth noting that the action of such drugs occurs only with time, and they can also remove useful substances and vitamins from the body along with gases.
Summing up, we can say that if you find this unpleasant disease in yourself, then immediately consult a doctor and carefully follow all his requirements and instructions. Some people are simply embarrassed by their illness and do not go to a medical institution, self-medicating, which gives a short-term effect. Although the procedures prescribed by the attending physician may turn out to be unpleasant, but they, as a rule, are highly effective.