
How to get tall?


How to get tall?
How to get tall

Everyone knows that the average person finishes growing by about 20 years. By this age, the skeleton, bone tissue is finally formed and it is believed that to become taller after 20 years is simply impossible. However, many people with short stature continue to look for the answer to the question of what needs to be done to grow up - and sometimes they go on unthinkable experiments to achieve their goal. How to become tall - and whether it is worth striving for this - read in our article.

Why am I so low?

Perhaps you have at least once in your life asked this question if you began to carefully read this article. There can be several reasons for low growth - and in order to understand how to become taller than you, you should determine what is the reason for your short stature.

This may be a genetic predisposition: it is unlikely that in a family where all members are short, a tall child will grow up. The abuse of nicotine and alcohol in adolescence also affects growth - these bad habits contribute to stunting during puberty. The individual characteristics of the development of the organism are also of great importance - someone grows gradually, someone “extends” for several months, and someone even continues to grow all his life. Low growth may indicate the presence of any disease (usually the endocrine system or musculoskeletal system), injuries, injuries.

How to get tall

Where does the desire to be tall come from?

The standard standard of beauty is a tall handsome man with developed muscles and a long-legged girl from the cover of a fashion magazine. It is not surprising that, being guided by stereotypes, people of short stature begin to experience complexes because of this supposedly lack of their figure. Particularly concerned about the question of how to become taller, men - they are haunted by the fear that the girl, being taller, will not reciprocate. Girls are less concerned about this question, but they, too, in an effort to become like models from the podium, are also not against growing up a couple of extra centimeters.

You can talk for a long time about the nature of the desire to learn how to become tall, and argue about what is easier and more appropriate to do: find an effective way to grow up or turn to this therapist with this problem. However, from this the number of people who want to grow will not decrease. Therefore, we consider the main currently known methods of what needs to be done in order to grow.

How to get tall

How to become taller? Simple tips

First of all, you should not chase new-fangled drugs and at all costs strive to lie under the surgeon’s knife - you will always have time to come to such drastic measures. Start with what is safer and healthier for your own health.

What needs to be done to grow up? At a minimum, lead an active lifestyle. It has long been proven that regular physical activity stimulates the growth of the body. Go in for sports: swimming, basketball and volleyball are the most common sports for those who want to grow up.

Effective exercises for people thinking about how to become tall are hanging on the bar, pulling up, jumping, tilting to the sides, pulling, bending the body back. Remember also that you cannot overdo it with physical activity - on the contrary, it slows down (and sometimes stops) the growth of the body.

Give up bad habits, begin to temper, go through several massage courses, lean on healthy foods (pay special attention to foods containing calcium and potassium), not forgetting that it should be balanced. In general, start a healthy lifestyle that will benefit any person, and even those who want to become taller, and even more so!

With regular observance of these rules in age, while the growth of the body is possible (up to 18-20 years), you can add up to 20% in growth!

How to get tall

A set of exercises "How to become high"

Before you begin to perform a set of exercises, do a warm-up (walking, tilting and turning the body, flexing, swinging his arms, running for 5 minutes).

Exercise one. Standing facing the wall, stretch up, rising on your toes and straightening as much as possible.

Exercise two. Hang on the crossbar, relax your muscles as much as possible, perform leg swings left and right (like a pendulum). On the legs you can tie the load.

Exercise Three. Pull up on the bar. Sit down and hang for 3 minutes, completely relaxed. Repeat exercise 6-10 times.

Exercise Four. Hang on the bar. Turn the body left and right for 3 minutes with maximum muscle relaxation. On the legs you can tie the load.

Fifth exercise. Hang upside down on the bar, pressing extra weight to your chest. In this case, the legs should be fixed with special straps - so it will be difficult to perform the exercise without outside help.

Exercise Six. Jump alternately on the left and on the right foot, then on both. When jumping, try to reach with your hand to any object located high (tree branches, chandeliers, etc.) The number of jumps per day is at least 100.

How to get tall

Seventh exercise. Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs straight, arms closed behind your back. Bend as much as possible, raising your head and shoulders above the floor. Repeat 6-10 times.

Exercise Eight. Lie on your back, stretch your legs straight, spread your arms apart. Raise your legs in turn to a right angle. Repeat 6-10 times.

Exercise Ninth. Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs, stretch your arms along the body. Raise your straight, closed legs. Repeat 6-10 times.

Exercise Ten. Climb the stairs to the fifth floor. Go down, relaxing your muscles. Repeat 5 times.

If these exercises turn out to be ineffective (this is possible if you are over 20 years old and it is not so easy to influence the growth of the body), but the desire to become taller will not leave you, you will have to resort to more radical procedures. Special simulators and massage tables, surgical interventions (correction of posture defects, lengthening of leg bones) will help to some extent solve the problem with growth.

However, before you “stretch” yourself to the desired size, think carefully again: maybe you, with short stature, are a self-sufficient person - after all, this is much more important in life than extra centimeters of growth.

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