rejuvenate vodka with tomatoes and cucumbers. A recipe for completely crazy pens.
recipe from the two-in-one series: first we cleanse and exfoliate the skin, then we tone and tighten. Everything is very simple and almost free, from improvised vegetables and other useful products in every way.
1. Salted tomato with vodka
This hellish mixture in the style of a well-known cocktail degreases the skin, exfoliates, removes swelling and very well cleanses.
Vodka is not critical here. You can do without alcohol at all or replace vodka with salicylic alcohol. The latter should be diluted with water or infusion of herbs (strong green tea) twice.
Mix a tablespoon of mashed tomato pulp with a teaspoon of vodka and a handful of small salt (you can take any).
The salt should dissolve.
Apply generously to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté. Do not apply directly to the skin around the eyes, only on the bone and on the whiskey.
Rinse off after 2-3 minutes. You don’t need to keep longer - the mixture is actually hellish.
Immediately apply the next pre-prepared mask to your skin.
You can apply any other, moisturizing and nourishing. But ours is still preferable.
2. Cucumber with green tea for tone and lifting
Grate the medium cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze the juice.
A teaspoon of green tea, steam 2/3 tablespoon of warm (below 80 * C) water, add a teaspoon of glycerin and allow to cool to room temperature under the lid.
Then add a tablespoon of cucumber juice and a teaspoon of grape seed oil or any other light vegetable.
This mask can be applied to the entire face, including the skin around the eyes. For the neck, décolleté, skin of the hands, it is also very suitable.
Wash off the mask after 20-60 minutes, not allowing it to dry on the skin.
The effect is visible immediately. Swelling goes away, pores narrow, skin tightens, becomes radiant, sleek, moisturized.
The first mask can be done no more than once every 10-14 times. The second - at least every day.
The second mask can be stored in the refrigerator, under a tight lid, for no more than a day.
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