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Products that burn belly fat |
Burning belly fat
People have already come up with, it seems, a million ways to make the stomach slim and fit. Physical exercises, all kinds of diets and fasting, massage, body wraps, even plastic surgery - and all for the same purpose. But not everyone knows that there are products that are ideally created in order to reduce the amount of fat deposits on the stomach and waist. Most of them are not some inaccessible exotic, and it will not be difficult to include them in your diet.
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Products that burn belly fat |
Besides the fact that cinnamon is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is one of the most popular antioxidants that can quickly cleanse the blood, it is also effective in combating excess fat. Its formation on the waist and abdomen occurs due to changes in insulin levels. With its large content, fat cells in the abdominal cavity accumulate excess calories, and as a result, all this turns into excess fat on the abdomen, sides and waist. Cinnamon helps cleanse the body of excess sugar, as a result, excess fat cells are not formed and the volume of the abdomen decreases. Cinnamon goes well with fruits, berries and some vegetables. What are baked apples and pumpkin with cinnamon. And small pieces of cinnamon sticks can be brewed with tea.
Green tea contains large amounts of catechins. These substances interfere with the storage of fats and stimulate their burning. In one of the latest studies, overweight people were divided into two groups: the first participants drank green tea every day, the second participants did not. Otherwise, the subjects ’diet was the same: they all followed a low-calorie diet. The results showed that the first group achieved much greater success in getting rid of excess fat, especially in the abdomen. Do you want the same? Drink 1-2 cups of green tea every day. But, if you want to achieve a good effect, follow simple rules:
You cannot make green tea with boiling water, otherwise it will lose most of its beneficial properties, including the ability to cope with body fat. The temperature of the tea brewing water should be around 80 - 85 ° C.
The maximum brewing time for green tea is 3 minutes.
Do not add milk to green tea. It binds catechins and completely neutralizes their beneficial properties.
Calcium pyruvate is a natural substance, a salt of pyruvic acid, which is produced in the body through digestion and metabolism. Pyruvates directly affect the reduction of body fat, activating the process of fat burning. During recent studies, the performance indicators of a group of subjects who followed a low-calorie diet and took calcium pyruvate were 48% higher than those who simply sat on a low-calorie diet.
Calcium pyruvate is found mainly in red vegetables and fruits. Especially a lot of it in red apples, red grapes, red wine and cheese. It can also be found in supplement form and in sports nutrition. To achieve the greatest effect when taking calcium pyruvate, you need to follow a low-calorie diet.
Fucoxanthin is a substance found in Wakame and Hijiki brown seaweed. Its ability to enhance fat burning has been discovered recently and has not yet been explained. But the fact remains, with regular use of fucoxanthin in food, it really helps to cope with extra pounds. Wakame kelp and hijiki are widely used in Asian cuisine. Wakame is one of the ingredients of Miso soup. Regulars in Asian cafes and restaurants should make it a rule to explore the menu - Chuka salad is quite common in it, and its basis is just wakame seaweed. In addition, both types of algae can be found in specialized grocery stores or in online stores specializing in healthy eating.
But keep in mind that in order to achieve a tangible effect, you will have to absorb brown algae in large quantities, almost kilograms. But there is a way out - you can take fucoxanthin in capsules.
And one more tip for those interested: the fat-burning effect of fucoxanthin increases significantly when consumed with fish oil.
Not all fats contribute to weight gain. Moreover, there are fats that will even help you get rid of extra centimeters and kilograms. It's about omega-3 fatty acids. Surely, you already heard about them more than once, but you didn’t remember what exactly. We explain that omega-3s are essential fatty acids that your body cannot synthesize itself and must receive daily with food if you want to keep your body healthy and beautiful. Studies have shown that omega-3s help to control the level of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, so you not only escape stress, but also do not gain weight, as high levels of cortisol provoke an increased accumulation of fat in cells. The only problem is that most of the food we usually eat contains very little omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, it is worth including the following products in the diet:
The main source is oily fish: salmon, herring, trout, mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel.
Seeds of pumpkin, flax, hemp and oats and wheat germ.
Vegetable oils: especially linseed.
In vegetables, fruits and berries, the content of omega-3 is extremely low, but here are some that you should pay attention to: leeks, broccoli, lettuce, white cabbage and cauliflower.
In addition, you can consume omega-3 capsules containing salmon oil and flaxseed oil. They have no synthetic additives, and they are sold in most pharmacies.
Quercetin is a natural flavonoid compound. In the fight against overweight, it is good because it blocks the maturation of fat cells and contributes to a slower accumulation of fat in existing ones. Quercetin is found in plants mainly of red color and is concentrated mainly in the shell or peel. A lot of it in red apples, red onions, dark plums, red grapes, citrus fruits, dark cherries, lingonberries, cranberries and other dark and red berries, in spinach and different varieties of cabbage, in red wine and green tea.
Quercetin incorporate many nutritional supplements. But in order to get the maximum of beneficial properties, it is better to opt for natural fruits and vegetables, because quercetin, like other flavonoids for proper absorption, needs other substances that are contained in its fresh natural sources.
The beneficial effects of vitamin C on our body are similar to the above-described effects of omega-3 fatty acids. It also holds stress hormones, so the fat cells in your stomach accumulate new fat more slowly. In addition, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and helps reduce existing fat deposits. To achieve the effect, you need to eat at least two foods rich in vitamin C every day. These can be blackcurrant and strawberry berries, oranges, lemons, a cup of rosehip broth, kiwi, bell pepper, spinach and all kinds of cabbage, especially broccoli and brussels sprouts.
The easiest way to get rid of a tired belly is to drink more plain water. Recent studies have confirmed: drinking only half a liter of water, you accelerate metabolic processes by 30%. Dehydration, on the contrary, leads to a slowdown in metabolism. In addition, it has long been proven that an increase in the volume of fluid in the body contributes to the breakdown of fats. In general, at least about 2 liters of plain water per day must be drunk per day for a good metabolic rate.
Cumin, Fennel, Dill And Anise
You can be slender and have a flat tummy, but with gas formation even it will turn into an inflated ball. Product combinations that lead to flatulence are tightly inscribed in a standard diet and changing them is quite problematic. It is easier, if possible, to neutralize their "cheating" effect. The most effective natural remedies that will definitely help are caraway seeds, fennel, dill and anise. They beneficially affect the intestinal microflora, help beneficial bacteria digest and break down food, and neutralize the effects of harmful bacteria. Not for nothing that dill, fennel and anise are used in drugs that facilitate infant colic. You can add these seeds as spices during cooking, but it will be more effective to chew a pinch of seeds immediately after eating.
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