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How to treat anemia at home
Anemia, or as it is popularly called, “anemia” is a condition characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and / or red blood cells. Most patients, having learned about their diagnosis, are wondering how to treat anemia at home. This is what will be discussed in the article.
Freshly squeezed juices in the treatment of anemia
Alternative treatment for anemia
Home Anemia Treatment: Best Recipes
Home Anemia Prescription
Be healthy sandwich
Other folk remedies
Super Foods for Anemia
Freshly squeezed juices in the treatment of anemia
Freshly squeezed juices in the treatment of anemia
This popular method of treating anemia has been tested by many people. One of the readers was in the hospital, and after being discharged, she could not recover for a long time. I read that you can drink a vitamin cocktail. I began to make and drink it. In the body, the level of hemoglobin in the blood normalizes, the general condition of the body improves. Then she talked with other people who also confirmed that this recipe works and, most importantly, does absolutely no harm to a sick person. Only good.
Freshly squeezed juices may well help in the fight against anemia. For this purpose, you can use a vitamin cocktail, which includes juice of pomegranate, lemon, apple and carrot. Be sure to add honey to the drink.
The proportions should be as follows:
Pomegranate juice - 0.2 l.
Apple juice - 0.1 l.
Carrot juice - 0.1 l.
Lemon juice - 0.1 l.
Honey - 70 g.
It is better to start drinking juice with 2 tablespoons to check the reaction of the body. If the body responds well, then increase the dosage up to a full glass 1-3 times a day.
You can not use factory juices for making a cocktail. They must be freshly pressed. When all the components of the drink are ready, they just need to be mixed.
Useful information: if any ingredient does not suit you, then you can exclude it or replace it with any other vegetable or fruit. Just remember that fruit juices can not be drunk because of the high sugar content!
Alternative treatment for anemia
More often than not, the first symptoms of anemia are simply weakness in the body. And, it’s hard to raise your hands, everything is done with great weight. Almost as a rule, people do not pay much attention to this at the beginning, thinking that all this is only due to weather or a temporary phenomenon.
However, the weather is different every day - sometimes bad, then good - and the human condition still leaves much to be desired. A feeling of severe weakness in the body is the main symptom of anemia, it is urgent to go to the doctor, take a blood test. If you find out that you have anemia, you should not be scared, this disease can be successfully treated with the help of old proven folk recipes. Namely, drink the stewed juice of carrots, black radish and beets.
You should take half a glass of juice of the above vegetables, pour into clay dishes and place in a slightly heated oven for one hour. Ready stewed vegetable juice should be drunk three times a day, two tablespoons, twenty minutes before eating, just like a regular medicine. The duration of such a course of treatment is from two to three months.
Improvement in such treatment occurs within three weeks. And another tip: also with anemia, you need to include apples, pomegranate juice, walnuts and buckwheat in your diet.
Home Anemia Treatment: Best Recipes
best recipes
Best home-made anemia recipes:
Buckwheat. Of all the products of plant origin, buckwheat occupies a leading position in the content of iron in it. In addition, in cereals there are a number of other trace elements and vitamins that a person needs. Buckwheat to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood can be eaten both in cooked form (porridge), and in raw form, grinding it into powder.
Garnet. Pomegranate is a valuable source of iron, but to replenish its reserves in the body, you will need to eat a lot of fruits. Therefore, experts recommend every day just to drink a glass of pomegranate juice. The drink should be natural and fresh. Otherwise, the effect will not succeed. It is prepared using grains, partitions and peel. In its pure form, such a drink should not be consumed. For 100 ml of pure pomegranate juice take 100 g of water or carrot juice.
Beet. In addition to iron, beets contain B vitamins and folic acid. To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, beets can be eaten both raw and boiled. It is good to cook salads from beets, combining it with other food products. To combat anemia, you can take 20 ml of beetroot juice every day. However, before drinking it, you need to withstand the drink in the refrigerator for an hour, but no less.
Carrot. You can eat carrots as an independent fruit, or add it to various dishes. To combat anemia, it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of carrot juice per week. It is important to prepare the drink yourself, as store juices are devoid of benefits. To prepare a glass of juice, you need about 0.5 kg of carrots.
Rosehip. A drink based on rose hips can not only increase immunity, but also helps to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood. To prepare the infusion, the berries are poured with boiling water and kept for several hours in a thermos. To increase the benefits of the drink, honey is added to it before use.
Honey with walnuts. A mixture of honey and walnuts can increase the level of protein in the blood. You need to cook a healthy treat immediately before eating. A single serving is 2 tablespoons. Eat it once a day.
Dried fruits. Gaiters and other dried fruits are a source of iron. Moreover, this beneficial component is much more in them than in fresh fruits. Therefore, if you eat 50 g of dried fruits at least once a day, you can bring the hemoglobin level to normal.
To prevent anemia, it is recommended that as often as possible include dark green and red vegetables, fruits, berries, including spinach, fresh herbs, beans, green apples, grapes, currants, rosehips, pomegranates and strawberries.
Home Anemia Prescription
Raw Beetroot Smoothie Recipe.
Raw Beetroot Smoothie Recipe
To prepare it, you will need the following products:
Beets as a source of folic acid, potassium, sodium. Beetroot perfectly cleanses the intestines, removing putrefactive bacteria from it. Raw beets are especially useful, as they contain large amounts of fiber.
Peeled orange.
Four dates.
Blackcurrant - 70 g.
Almonds peeled.
The beets are finely cut, put in a blender, nuts and dates, berries and pitted orange are also added there. All pour 0.5 cups of water and grind in a blender. Smoothies for raising hemoglobin is ready.
Be healthy sandwich
If you have anemia, in addition to the main treatment, we also recommend a folk prescription. One of such alternative methods of treatment includes the following. Cut six large green apples. Mix with interior lard. Sala take four hundred grams. Put this mass in the oven. Wash twelve domestic chicken eggs at this time. Break them, separate the yolks from the protein. Pound these yolks with one glass of sugar and add there four hundred grams of chocolate, after grinding it. Pass apples with lard through a sieve and mix the resulting composition with the previous one.
Eat hot milk sandwiches whenever you want. For a week, an increase in weight of one and a half or one kilogram is possible. Eat sandwiches until you have cured anemia and put on weight to the desired condition. And in a month do a blood test.
Other folk remedies
The following recipes can be used to treat anemia:
Boiled or pickled beets. It is eaten in its pure form and added to various dishes. You can also squeeze juice from the vegetable, insist for 3-4 hours and drink 1/4 or 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Juice can not be stored, it is prepared every day.
100 g of raw chopped carrots with the addition of oil or sour cream can also be eaten to treat anemia.
You can pour a tablespoon of chopped Jerusalem artichoke flowers with three glasses of boiling water. Cover the pan with a towel and insist for 8 hours, after which it is filtered and consumed 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Every day you need to eat garlic, which allows you to get rid of anemia.
Every day, it is useful to eat fresh cucumbers without peeling them. It is also good to drink a glass of cucumber juice per day.
Pumpkin is useful for treating anemia. It is consumed 4-5 times a day for 150-200 g. You can eat pumpkin pulp in raw and boiled form.
Anemia can be eliminated with milk and dill. Pour greens or plant seeds with a glass of milk and bring to a boil. Then the fire is reduced and boiled for another 10 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
It is useful for anemia to eat greens and celery root every day. Also, 20 minutes before a meal, it is good to take 1-2 teaspoons of freshly pressed celery juice.
Spinach, which is added to salads, helps with anemia. It is impossible to store a ready-made salad with this plant, since toxic substances are formed in it. However, whole leaves are allowed to be kept in the refrigerator for 30 days.
Zucchini avoids the development of anemia. They are eaten fresh without peeling.
Super Foods for Anemia
Three "super foods" from anemia:
Legumes. They are a source of protein that carries hemoglobin. Erythrocytes without protein are not able to retain oxygen, so anemia develops in humans.
Red meat. It is a source of heme iron, which is best absorbed by the human body (about 15-20% will benefit the person).
Black currant. These berries are a source of vitamin C, without which iron in the body cannot be absorbed. Therefore, it is so important to eat foods not only containing iron, but also ascorbic acid. In the body, these substances combine into a complex that allows you to get rid of anemia.
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