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What are the periods for girls |
What are the periods for girls?
The outline of the article:
How long does it take and how does the girl's menstrual cycle go
Interesting fact
Myths Myths
Every month, every woman who has reached puberty, has a menstruation (monthly, critical days). They are direct evidence that the body can produce offspring. At the same time, menstruation is accompanied by a change in the whole body. The female body produces specific chemicals called hormones, which affect not only fertility (the ability to conceive), but also the girl’s overall health, her organs, and well-being. Today you will find out all the interesting information about the “critical days”.
Menstruation is a physiological phenomenon that consists in cyclically exfoliating the uterine epithelium (endometrium) due to characteristic changes in the concentration of sex hormones (estrogens and progesterone) as part of a systemic and reciprocal relationship between the sex glands, the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus.
A full course of hormonal changes, along with the restoration of the endometrium, the transformation of the internal environment of the vagina, breast changes, body temperature, effects on the autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular system, psychological mood and other body functions, is called the menstrual cycle.
How long does it take and how does the girl's menstrual cycle go
Outside of periods of pregnancy, lactation and hormonal contraceptive use in healthy women of childbearing age, physiological menstruation is repeated regularly: about once every 28 days (different women have different follicular maturation periods) and lasts about 4 days (3 to 8 days are considered normal).
The first menstruation (menarche) marks the beginning of puberty. It occurs at the age of about 12-13 years. Recent menstruation determines menopause, which borders on puberty and old women. At the end of the last menstruation, a woman begins menopause. This occurs most often between 45 and 55 years of age.
The regular menstrual cycle is called eumenorrhea. During menstruation, physiological bleeding occurs, that is, blood is released. Normal blood volume is in the range of 10-80 ml. There should be no clots in normal menstrual blood due to a local increase in the activity of plasmin, which has a fibrinolytic effect.
After the end of menstrual bleeding, the second phase of the menstrual cycle begins. Under the influence of progesterone in the endometrium, the so-called spiral arteries grow. After the cessation of progesterone production, the corpus luteum curls, as a result, the epithelium does not receive nutrition and exfoliates, affecting the blood vessels.
Interesting fact
According to one hypothesis, menstruation is the main reason why mankind invented clothes. Our ancestors lived in Africa, so they did not need clothes to protect the body from the cold. While all the people walked naked, they could not know the shame associated with nudity. But menstruation is not a very aesthetic spectacle, so it is with them that the reason why women first wanted to cover their intimate organs may be associated.
Indirectly, this hypothesis is confirmed by the ancient taboos of all tribes and nationalities associated with menstruation, as well as the fact that in a hot climate the female population uses only skirts for all types of clothing (we mean representatives of African tribes).
Myths Myths
1- Now it's time to debunk the most popular myths about menstruation.
During menstruation, you can not swim. On the contrary. Personal hygiene at this time is extremely important - in its absence, inflammation in the reproductive organs can begin. But a bath with hot water can increase bleeding, so doctors recommend taking a warm shower.
2- During menstruation, you can not play sports. The truth is that during “critical days” excessive exercise due to blood loss should be limited. But light exercise can reduce pain and improve mood.
3- Delayed menstruation indicates pregnancy. Maybe, but not always. Menstruation may not start due to hormonal disorders, thyroid disease, excessive prolactin levels, some oral contraceptives, and the onset of menopause.
4- Menstruation protects against pregnancy. In fact, intimacy during critical days does not completely protect against pregnancy. In the case of very short cycles, ovulation can occur on 10-11 days of the cycle. Given that sperm can survive in a woman’s genital tract for up to 7 days, sexual intercourse on the fifth or sixth day of menstruation (even if bleeding has not yet ended) can ultimately lead to conception.
5- During menstruation, you can not have sex. It's a matter of taste. Some women during this period feel strong sexual arousal, while other ladies do not imagine intimacy during bleeding. But keep in mind that during menstruation, the girl is more vulnerable to infection (since the cervix is open, and bacteria can easily penetrate there). Therefore, if you decide to have sex, you need to remember about hygiene.
That is all we wanted to say. As you see, there is nothing terrible or supernatural in menstruation - it is a natural process that every girl needs to take for granted. Without critical days it is impossible to be a full-fledged woman.