
What to do if gums bleed


What to do if gums bleed
What to do if gums bleed

What to do if gums bleed

Hundreds of people around the world are faced with bleeding gums. Despite the fact that this procedure is individual, and that your gums are bleeding - no one sees, this does not mean that this problem is unnecessary to solve. Yes, bleeding gums is a disease, and it must be treated. It is to this question that we will devote our article.

The content of the article:
Causes of Gum Bleeding
Gum bleeding treatment
Prevention of bleeding gums

Causes of Gum Bleeding

First of all, if your gums are bleeding, you should not ask how to treat them (although you should ask this question later), but why gums are bleeding. It is with an analysis of the reasons you must begin to solve this problem.
Incorrect toothbrushing
Perhaps the cause of bleeding gums is very simple - you incorrectly part your teeth. Incorrect toothbrushing may consist in the fact that you have chosen the wrong brush or incorrectly brush your teeth. This very often becomes the main reason that gums bleed.
Tartar is hard plaque that forms on the surface of teeth, usually at the base of the teeth. Tartar is a consequence of the formation of soft plaque, which consists mainly of food debris. As a result of improper brushing, when with this procedure you poorly clean the plaque formed on the teeth, it begins to harden, which serves as the appearance of tartar. If tartar is not removed on time, then it can begin to become larger, which will lead to overgrowth.
There are two types of tartar: supragingival and subgingival. From the name it is easy to understand that the supragingival tartar is the tartar at the top, and the subgingival tartar is under the gum. It is the subgingival stone that most often causes bleeding of the gums, since over time it separates the gum from the tooth, and until the tartar is removed, the gum will not compress the tooth tightly. Only a dentist can fully detect the presence of tartar in your oral cavity.
Gum disease
There are also certain cases where bleeding gums can be caused by gum disease. Examples of such diseases are: periodontitis and periodontal disease.
That is why you need to find out why the gums are bleeding, and only after that take measures to treat them.

What to do if gums bleed

Gum bleeding treatment

Unfortunately, many of us, faced with this problem, are in no hurry to go to the doctor. Someone uses special toothpastes, rinses, ointments, and other products to treat gum bleeding. Yes, these funds help to get rid of bleeding, but they are not the main method of treatment, but are used as additional ones.
Treatment of gums for bleeding, you need to start only with an appointment with a dentist, and if necessary, with a periodontist. After asking you the necessary questions, the doctor will examine your oral cavity to determine the causes of bleeding. If the reasons will be internal factors, then the dentist will give a referral to the therapist so that he prescribes a general course of treatment for the body.
If your gums bleed while brushing your teeth, then most likely you are simply not brushing them correctly. To do this, you need to properly care for your teeth and choose the right brush.
In the event that your gums bleed not only when brushing your teeth, but also with a slight effect on them, for example, while eating (when you bite an apple or hard bread), then the causes of bleeding are more serious. As mentioned above, the main cause of bleeding is tartar. Until the stone is completely removed from the surface of the teeth, you will not get rid of bleeding. At the dentist’s appointment, he studies the nature of tartar and then, using special tools, removes it. In some cases, the dentist may prescribe a course of treatment for the gums if, as a result of the formation of tartar, they have separated from the tooth and ceased to be pressed firmly against it.
After the tartar is removed from the teeth, the dentist prescribes drugs to improve and strengthen the gums. Very often, Metrogil gel is prescribed, which must be rubbed into the gums 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Toothpastes for gums can also be prescribed for bleeding: Paradontax, Lacalut and others. In addition to toothpaste, it is recommended to use a mouthwash: Paradontax or Forest Balsam.

What to do if gums bleed

Remember that if you do not start treatment for bleeding gums in time, this can lead to very negative consequences, up to tooth loss, when healthy teeth simply fall out. Due to the fact that the gums will not be able to hold the tooth tight, it will loosen and eventually fall out. In order to avoid these problems, you need to visit the dentist 2 times a year, so that at the first signs of tartar and gum disease, they can be cured.
Dental examination of the gums
Folk remedies for bleeding gums

Gum bleeding can be carried out with treatment and folk remedies. Immediately, we note that the use of folk remedies is also auxiliary to the main course of treatment prescribed by the dentist.

In addition to oak bark, infusions of sage, chamomile and plantain are very effective. To prepare infusions from these drugs, you need to pour a tablespoon of the product with 2 glasses of boiling water and insist for half an hour, and then rinse.
Some folk recipes recommend taking: carrot juice, strawberries and bananas.

Prevention of bleeding gums

To ensure that your gums are always healthy and not bleeding, take proper oral care.
Brush your teeth daily in the morning and evening by choosing the right toothbrush. After you brush your teeth, you must also brush your tongue, for this use a special brush. Then the mouth must be rinsed with a special rinse aid, of which there are now a large number.
To prevent the appearance of tartar, after each meal, rinse your mouth with water or special means for this. Also, floss and toothpicks will help you get rid of food particles.

