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Why do red vessels appear in the eyes and how to remove them |
Why do red vessels appear in the eyes and how to remove them?
Red vessels in the eye indicate circulatory disorders in this organ. This symptom can indicate many ophthalmic diseases. Redness of the eye can be caused not only by prolonged strain of vision, but also by severe pathologies requiring emergency treatment.
Causes of red blood vessels in the eyes
All causes that can cause redness of the eyes are divided into ophthalmic and neophthalmic. Ophthalmic causes are directly related to the condition of the eyeball. These include:
irritating factors;
infectious pathologies;
injuries, foreign bodies entering the cornea.
Annoying Factors
Irritating factors include intense eye strain when they are constantly under stress. So, the most common cause of eye redness is prolonged computer work (more than 5-6 hours) without any interruptions. An unfavorable effect on the state of the vessels is also exerted by reading the text in small print. Redness of the eyes can cause reading in vehicles, especially during long trips.
Contact lenses also irritate the eyes. It occurs in the following cases:
if the patient does not properly remove the lenses;
if they are incorrectly selected;
if a person does not comply with the rules and wears lenses longer than the prescribed time.
Red eyes from lenses
Small particles of dust can get on the lens, which provoke irritation and redness of the eyeball. Also, some patients have individual lens intolerance, which can also cause vascular disorders.
Infectious pathologies
Red vessels on the whites of the eyes are also provoked by infection. Microorganisms penetrate the surface of the cornea or conjunctiva and begin to multiply actively. Their effect leads to the fact that the patient develops a vascular reaction and the eye turns red.
If burst vessels are found in the cornea, it is recommended to be examined by an ophthalmologist to exclude the possibility of bacterial infection.
Depending on the spread of bacteria, the following types of infectious lesions are distinguished:
The most common cause of red blood vessels in the eyes is conjunctivitis. This disease has an infectious or allergic nature.
The damaging factor negatively affects the conjunctiva - the membrane covering the outer part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. In vessels located in this area, inflammatory processes develop, local swelling of the tissues occurs. This leads to reddening of the conjunctiva.
Another pathology - keratitis - occurs when the central membrane of the eye, the cornea, is damaged. Its inflammation is accompanied by the appearance of bursting vessels at the border with the sclera. The disease has a number of characteristic symptoms that indicate the presence of keratitis. These include severe lacrimation and photophobia. If a person develops this symptom complex in combination with redness of the eyes, it is worth suspecting that he has keratitis.
Inflammation of the eyelid, or blepharitis, is accompanied by marginal redness of the eye. Its occurrence is usually associated with the ingestion of dust particles or small foreign bodies under the eyelids that contain pathogenic microorganisms. They multiply in this area, provoking the appearance of inflammation and swelling.
A rarer cause of eye redness is iridocyclitis. This is a serious disease, which is characterized by the development of an infectious process in the choroid of the eye. Pathology has a progressive course, it can cause blindness. Therefore, a suspicion of iridocyclitis is an occasion for an urgent visit to an ophthalmologist.
Injuries and foreign bodies
Traumatic injuries of the eyeball or the ingress of foreign bodies into it are processes that necessarily cause a response from the body. In response to irritation, inflammation develops that affects the vasculature of the eyeball. Under the influence of a pathological factor, an active vascular reaction develops, which externally looks like redness of the eye.
Neophthalmological causes
A number of factors that are caused by neophthalmic diseases affect the state of the vessels of the eye. These include:
allergic reactions;
disturbances in the cardiovascular system;
physical stress;
constant lack of sleep, chronic fatigue;
severe stress.
Redness of the eyes can trigger allergic reactions. If the element into which the patient has a hypersensitivity reaction enters the eye, allergic inflammation develops. It leads to the appearance of edema and redness.
A frequent factor causing the appearance of red blood vessels in the eyes is an increase in pressure. Arteries of the eyeball is a part of the general vascular system, which directly depends on the work of the heart.
If the patient has hypertension, then with constant pressure surges, the elasticity of the small eye arteries is violated. A sharp change in the pressure indicator can lead to rupture of the vessel in the eye, resulting in redness.
The same phenomena occur during physical stress, when the pressure level rises sharply to provide the body with the necessary oxygen. It can also cause rupture of the eye vessels.
Constant stresses, strong emotional reactions also affect the work of the heart, which adversely affects the condition of the arteries of the eyeball. For the same reason, redness can occur due to constant lack of sleep.
Another reason that damages the vessels of the eye is diabetes. This disease with a long course leads to the development of microangiopathy. It is characterized by the deposition of large quantities of glucose in the vessels of the eye, which leads to a violation of their elasticity and flexibility. Therefore, patients with diabetes often have red eyes.
How to remove red vessels in the eyes?
Depending on the cause of redness of the vessels in the eyes, the methods of treating the problem differ.
Eye drops
Drug therapy for redness includes vasoconstrictors. These include:
Drops in the eyes
These drugs reduce redness and swelling, contribute to the restoration of normal blood circulation in the eye.
In case of dry eye syndrome, which is characteristic during prolonged work at the computer, regular use of “artificial tears” (drops of Hilo-Chest) is recommended.
Folk remedies
You can narrow the vessels and folk remedies. For this, cold is often applied to the eyes. It can be ice cubes, compresses with cold water. They must be placed on closed eyes and held for several minutes. You can use cotton pads moistened with decoctions of herbs. The healing properties beneficial to the eyes are:
blue cornflower;
As compresses it is convenient to use tea bags, slightly cooled after brewing. Tea should be natural, without fragrances and fragrances. Additional components in its composition can cause an allergic reaction, which will only aggravate the patient's condition.
It is very useful to alternate compresses - first apply ice cubes, and then after a while use warm decoctions of herbs.
If the listed funds do not eliminate the red vessels in the eyes, and the patient notes the progression of the disease, you must make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Probably, the patient has an infection of the membranes of the eyeball. These pathologies require specialized treatment, including antibiotics selected depending on the causative agent of the disease.
Proper nutrition
Of great importance for the state of blood vessels is proper nutrition. People who often have redness of the eyes are advised to adjust their diet. The following products should be included in the diet:
nuts and seeds;
fruits and vegetables (especially red and yellow, as they contain a large amount of vitamins necessary for the eyes);
oily fish;
the eggs.
Eye Nutrition
In the pharmacy you can buy special complexes of vitamins and minerals that improve eye health.
Lifestyle correction
The daily routine is also important. A person should sleep at least 7 hours daily. This time is necessary in order for the mucous membrane of the eye to recover from those small injuries that accumulated on it during the day. If you sleep less, then the damage will accumulate, very soon irritation and redness will appear, more and more vessels in the eyes will begin to redden.
For the prevention of vascular disorders, proper sleep preparation is also important. Women should wash their eyes off daily and apply eyelids if necessary. It is recommended to use high-quality makeup remover, as most inexpensive products adversely affect the condition of the cornea.
Before going to bed, be sure to remove contact lenses, since they can not be worn longer than the prescribed time. If you leave the lens at night, then the surface of the eye will dry out, injuries from exposure to a foreign body will appear on it.
Read more about the secrets of healthy sleep - read here.
Gymnastics for the eyes
If a person works a lot at the computer or constantly reads books or documents, then he must do exercises for the eyes. It consists of the simplest exercises that take a couple of minutes, which are needed to relax your eyesight and reduce stress.
It is enough to perform the following exercises:
20-30 times dramatically change the direction of view - from left to right and from top to bottom;
do circular eye movements for 1-2 minutes (you can’t move your head);
focus the vision first on the distant, and then on the near subject, located on the same line of sight.
At the end of a short workout, you need to quickly blink your eyes about 50-60 times. If desired, the set of exercises can be adjusted in accordance with your needs. Such gymnastics should be done regularly, every few hours in between hard work.
Eyelid massage
A good method of treating and preventing the appearance of red blood vessels in the eyes is eyelid massage. The fingertips are carefully superimposed on the closed eyes, after which the eyeballs are massaged in a circular motion. After just a few minutes of such a massage, you will feel that the eye irritation is gone.
Redness of the eyes is a symptom that can indicate not only a strong eye strain, but also a number of serious pathologies. With the progression of irritation and the appearance of new symptoms of damage to the eye membranes, the patient is advised to consult a doctor to undergo a full examination