
12 ways to use garlic.

12 ways to use garlic.
Uses of garlic

 ways to use garlic.

1. Maintaining good health. Garlic has long been considered a universal remedy that treats everything from the common cold to the plague. It is an excellent source of manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C and selenium.

 Garlic has properties that help our heart and liver: - it is useful for blood and circulation - it helps to stimulate the immune system - it helps to reduce bad cholesterol - it increases metabolism - it helps to absorb iron better - it serves as a cancer prevention (one of the top 10 best anti-cancer products) - fights bacteria and viruses - helps remove warts - treats toothache.

2. Treatment of a cold. Grind a clove of garlic and add a little hot water. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Strain and drink the broth. It is a natural cough syrup. In the cold and flu season, eat 3 raw cloves of garlic per day to prevent disease.

 3. Getting rid of acne. Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub the affected skin. Perform the procedure regularly and your skin will become clean.

 4. Treatment of herpes. As with acne, cut a clove of garlic in half and rub the sore spot. This can cause discomfort, but acts as effectively as expensive pharmacy products.

5. Treatment of the feet of athletes. If someone doesn't like garlic, it's a foot fungus! Throw a couple of crushed garlic cloves into hot water. Let it brew a little. Pour the resulting fluid into the foot bath, hold your feet for half an hour. Pest control

6. Use as pesticides in your garden. Avoid harmful pesticides in favor of a natural disinfectant. Using a garlic-based soap spray gives good results when dealing with unpaired silkworms that infect apple trees.

 It is quick and easy to make, it is economical, non-toxic to the environment and our body - and it works. Soap has been used for centuries as a universal pesticide. It destroys insect cell membranes and kills pests. The trick is not to use it too much, otherwise you can kill the plant with pests. Grate laundry soap, fill with water to get concentrated liquid soap.

To prepare the solution, take 1-2 tablespoons of liquid soap per 1 liter of water. Grind 1-2 cloves of garlic, pour boiling water. Cover and let it brew overnight. Strain in the morning. Pour soap and garlic solutions into the sprinkler. In dry weather, treat the plants. The solution deteriorates quickly, so you need to cook it as necessary.

7. Repellent from mosquitoes and other insects. Everyone knows that the best cure for vampires is garlic. Therefore, mosquitoes are afraid of garlic. You can rub the skin with garlic to ward off mosquitoes, but if this method is not to your liking, you can put peeled garlic cloves where mosquitoes appeared.

8. A small amount of garlic can be added to a special pet food. Fresh garlic, in which the concentration of medicinal substances is too high, should not be added to the food of your pets. You cannot feed garlic to pets! Other use cases

 9. Glass repair. If small cracks appear on the glass, you can squeeze the juice of garlic on it. After a while, wipe off excess moisture. Garlic is a natural glue. It will help stick together the fragments and prevent further damage.

10. Glue. Garlic can be used to glue other materials, such as paper.

11. Fighting ice. Garlic salt works wonders when removing ice from roads, sidewalks, and other surfaces.

12. Homemade surface cleaner. Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic. Put them in a spray bottle filled with white vinegar. Add a couple drops of lemon oil and the disinfectant is ready!

!!! To get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands after working with garlic, just rub your fingers on a stainless spoon.
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