
17 ways to get rid of cough

17 ways to get rid of cough
get rid of cough

 ways to get rid of cough

Coughing is not a disease, but only a symptom. If you have a cough, expect something worse. But if you start treatment on time, you can not only prevent the cough from going further, but vice versa - kill it in the bud. Moreover, for treatment it is not at all necessary to visit a pharmacy to buy drugs - you can use alternative methods.

Ways to get rid of cough

Means number 1

To prepare this medicine, we need radish and sugar. Cut the radish into cubes and put in a baking dish. Sprinkle sugar on top and put in the oven. It should be baked for about 2 hours.

After the baked radish has cooled, grind it and squeeze the juice. After pouring it into a glass or a bottle, then take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Means number 2

Radish is also needed for this recipe, but only black. Cutting out the middle of it, pour in the honey. Leave for about an hour. In the future, consume 2 teaspoons daily.

Tool number 3

One of the best cough suppressants is boiled or dried pears. Moreover, it is necessary to use not the fruits themselves, but a decoction of them. It is enough to drink 100 ml of this decoction each time before eating and there will be no trace of coughing.

Tool number 4

If difficult sputum comes out with a cough, most likely you will have bronchitis. To combat it, drink every day a teaspoon of lingonberry syrup or juice. Additionally, to enhance the effect, drink tea from strawberry leaves.

Tool number 5

If the cough is dry, then inhalation will help in the fight against it. To do this, take a spoonful of eucalyptus, licorice root and calendula. Brewing them in boiling water, you need to breathe this broth for 5 minutes. The only limitation is that this method is suitable only for adults, since in children the temperature begins to rise from it.

Tool number 6

If the cough started a long time ago, then a compress is an effective way to combat it. To do this, take a tablespoon of vodka, mustard powder, flour and sunflower oil. Mix all the ingredients and make a compress, wrapping your neck.

Tool number 7

To prepare the medicine according to the following recipe, you need to take 2 moderately ripe bananas. Mash them and boil in a glass of water. Add some honey and drink.

Tool number 8

Mix carrot juice (instead of it you can take radish juice), mix with a small amount of honey and drink every 2 hours in a tablespoon.

Tool number 9

For the next recipe, we need vinegar, olive oil and camphor. Mixing them in equal proportions, make something like a compress on a woolen fabric. Put on your chest and hold for several hours.

Tool number 10

Mix water or milk with six dates (per glass of liquid). Drink the resulting broth in any portion as soon as you notice that a dry cough has begun.

Tool number 11

One of the best ways to fight cough. It helps to overcome even a very strong cough. You need to take a few raisins and boil them in boiling water. In the evening before going to bed, eat them and drink them with warm milk.

Tool number 12

The following remedy will be useful primarily for children. Wipe the carrots, onion and apple on a grater. After mixing these components with honey, give the child a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Tool number 13

It is necessary to take two parts of an apple and 1 part of an onion. After wiping them on a grater, mix with two tablespoons of honey. Eat a teaspoon every 2-3 hours.

Tool number 14

One of the simplest but at the same time effective recipes is a viburnum drink mixed with honey. To make tea, it is enough to insist it for half an hour. Such tea is completely harmless - you can drink it instead of regular tea.

Tool number 15

The following recipe does not contain a single plant, but it is quite effective. To prepare the product, you need to take butter (300 grams), cocoa powder, a glass of sugar and a little more than a glass of honey. These components must be melted in a water bath and stirred until smooth. In the future, eat a teaspoon of the resulting product with a glass of warm milk.

Tool number 16

The following recipe helps relieve symptoms after coughing, and also helps in eliminating sputum. You need to take an egg yolk, mix it with two tablespoons of vodka and honey. Three times a day, the resulting mixture must be eaten before main meals.

Tool number 17

It is necessary to mix 250 grams of honey and ginger root, and cook the resulting mass until thick. After that, until it freezes, it is necessary to cut it into 15 parts - in the future it will be candy. About 3 of these candies will be enough for you a day - they can be eaten at any time. After a few days, there will be no trace of a cough.

These tools are simple, but at the same time very effective. Their benefits have been repeatedly confirmed in practice. And even if official medicine does not recognize them - any folk remedy is much better than all kinds of chemical medicines.
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