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cure a runny nose quickly and effectively in children
A baby’s nose already looks like a tomato — parents begin to read all articles about treating the common cold in children, in search of quick and effective methods. But what guarantees are there that these methods will really help and are safe for the baby.
There is no time to verify and double-check the data - behind you is a child with the text "streams" from his nose. You don’t even know which is worse, because there can be a thick runny nose. A child cannot breathe and catches air with his mouth. And this exacerbates the situation.
Rhinitis is a syndrome of the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, as doctors call a runny nose.
Below are the pharmacist's advice on how to treat the common cold in children quickly and effectively. Do not forget that a runny nose is often a consequence of the disease, so you need to show the child to the doctor to determine the root cause of the disease.
A competent specialist in this matter will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. It takes into account the age of the baby and contraindications.
Treatment of rhinitis in children;
- Types of rhinitis;
Treatment of the common cold in children under 1 year old;
Pharmacist table than treating a runny nose;
Alternative treatment of the common cold in children;
- Inhalation rules for children.
Treatment of rhinitis in children
Children often have rhinitis, so there is a need for treatment at any time of the year. It’s enough even to get cold from the split system even in summer. If the crumbs have symptoms of rhinitis at an early age, then assistance should be provided immediately.
Otherwise, inaction leads to complications: sinusitis, sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis. If a child who is not yet 5 years old has a runny nose + high fever, then the consequences can be serious: inflammation of the organs of vision or hearing. Immunity in babies is weak. He will not be able to overcome the runny nose on his own. First of all, before choosing a treatment, you need to determine the type of runny nose.
Rhinitis is divided into types:
Allergic rhinitis in children has the following symptoms: the child often sneezes, as if it tickles or itches in the nose. A watery serous secretion is actively secreted, while the nose is blocked. Eyes turn red and watery. Usually this type of runny nose is observed during flowering: in spring and summer.
Infectious rhinitis, it is also viral. It proceeds in three stages. The main symptom: red swollen nose. Sneezing, burning inside the nose, dryness. Then congestion in the ears, loss of smell is added. Eyes are watery.
The volume of mucus increases. Pathogens are: staphylococci, influenza virus, hemophilus bacillus and other infectious pathogens. Often this type of runny nose is accompanied by acute respiratory infections and SARS.
Vasomotor. Defining it is simple. Pay attention when the baby eats hot dishes. Usually, a serous secret begins to stand out from them. In this case, the nose is still stuffy.
This type of runny nose has two forms: neurovegetative and allergic. Such an ailment occurs due to a violation of the functioning of the vessels in the nasopharynx.
They have a failure and instead of “absorbing” the liquid, they begin to dynamically release the liquid. The nasal canals are very narrow. The baby receives less oxygen, and the nose does not cope with air purification. Therefore, microbes, dust - enter the body and remain in it. If you run such a runny nose, it can develop into a chronic form, which is described below.
Usually this happens if you constantly use vasoconstrictive drops or sprays.
Atrophic. It leads to the frequent use of vasoconstrictors. The vessels constantly experience cramping, which destabilizes the condition of the nasal mucosa. The baby may complain of dryness in the nose, a feeling of itching. You may notice that he began to sniff.
Also chronic forms include:
Often, primary symptoms are accompanied by headache, difficulty breathing, and tearing. Runny nose is very thin, or vice versa thick: most often green or yellow. The latter signals an infection. Treatment of rhinitis in children with any colds should take place in a complex.
Treatment of the common cold in children under 1 year old
Rhinitis in newborns is very difficult. Babies still have small nasal passages. Therefore, even slight swelling leads to difficulty breathing. The child begins to act up, sleeps restlessly, it is difficult for him to eat, appetite may be lost. Parents should not leave a child unattended with a runny nose at that age. An attack of dyspnea (shortness of breath), or even suffocation, may occur.
During treatment of the common cold in children under 1 year of age, monitor the condition of the crumbs and their reaction to certain drugs. At this age, you should self-medicate without consulting a pediatrician. Use drugs from the pharmacist table.
If you decide to carry out inhalation, be sure to clean the nasal passages with an aspirator before the procedure. For inhalation using a nebulizer, physiological saline is suitable. You can not dilute it. You can use mineral water, a solution of soda. They thin the mucus and help it to easily exit. A cleaned nose will breathe freely.
Important: From 0 to 1 year, it is possible to treat a runny nose in children only with drops, sprays - it is impossible.
How to treat a runny nose in a child. Pharmacist answers
A table of recommendations from a pharmacist according to the age of a small patient. You can take a screenshot of it so as not to forget how to treat a runny nose in a child. It will also be good to supplement it with the means that the pediatrician will appoint you individually. He will choose a safe treatment option.
With green snot in a child, use Polydex or Isofra with an antibiotic.
Precautionary measures:
- Before treating a child with a runny nose with vasoconstrictor drops, think about how justified it is. They can be addictive with prolonged use. If rhinitis does not go away for a long time, then consult a doctor again.
Alternative treatment of the common cold in children
Over a long history, the treatment of the common cold, including in children, folk methods have still not lost popularity. It is effective and natural. The main thing is that the child should not be allergic to the components.
Aloe. We make drops of our own preparation from this miracle plant. Aloe has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. We take 2 sheets, scald them, then squeeze the juice. It will need to be stirred in cold water. But first boil it. Recommended proportion 1:10. We dig in a nose no more than 5 times a day.
Kalanchoe. This popular and beautiful indoor plant can heal! You need to squeeze the juice from the leaf. We instill 3 drops in each nostril, but not more than 5. If the child has the initial stage of a runny nose, then you can just lubricate the nostrils with the juice of the plant a couple of times.
Healthy duet: Kalanchoe juice + St. John's wort essential oil. We connect these components in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is smeared in the nose 4 times a day.
Inhalation is one of the popular methods of treating a cold in children. For this you need a nebulizer. If it is not, then you can carry out the procedure using the grandmother's method. A few drops of essential oil are added to the container with hot boiled water. Keep in your medicine cabinet for such cases the ether of fir, mint, pine. Then we offer to play the game "who lives in a house and grows healthy." We bow over the container and cover ourselves with a towel.
Recipes for the nebulizer:
2 tablespoons of Kalanchoe juice. Let’s breathe no more than 10 minutes.
The heated mineral alkaline solution Borjomi or Narzan is suitable. If not possible, then saline.
Combo combination. We take 100 g of pine buds, add to them a chamomile collection, 2 tablespoons of finely crushed eucalyptus leaves, 4 tablespoons of dry calendula. Also, you can add a little St. John's wort. Pour the resulting mixture with water (2l). Keep for 10 minutes on low heat, then set aside for half an hour. Before adding this decoction to the nebulizer, do not forget to warm up a little.
Inhalation rules for children
This procedure is contraindicated in children with asthma and allergies. The use of essential oils is suitable for a child after 3 years. After the process, you can go out only after 3 hours. If the child’s body temperature is above 37.5 ° C, then “healing breaths” should be postponed. And most importantly, what is often forgotten, inhalation is carried out no later than an hour before meals.
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