


Some of the products that many of us periodically “indulge in” are also harmful. And even if they cannot be completely abandoned, it is necessary to at least minimize their use. Here are the most dangerous and treacherous ones:


1) French fries.

100 g of potato contains about 8 grams of trans fats. These are substances of non-natural origin, which are formed mainly during the production of margarine and the repeated heating of vegetable oil.

Trans fats increase blood cholesterol, therefore, at times increase the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

2) Red and processed meat.

Steak, minced meat and bacon in large quantities are harmful to the heart. The amino acid carnitine contained in red meat is absorbed by the bacteria in the digestive system.

This starts a whole chain of reactions, which as a result leads to an increase in cholesterol and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

3) Fried foods.

Cooking at high temperatures leads to the formation of large amounts of trans fats - the use of such foods increases the likelihood of developing heart problems.

In countries where fried meat is preferred, such diseases do occur more often. In China, where meat is often cooked or stewed, cardiovascular disease is less common.

4) Pizza.

In just one piece of pizza contains 10 grams of fat, of which 4.4 grams of saturated fat. Try not to eat more than one slice and order vegetable pizzas instead of pepperoni.

5) White bread.

Regular consumption of foods high in carbohydrates, such as white bread, increases the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

High glycemic index quickly increases blood sugar, and for this reason, experts believe that the consumption of such products is fraught with a heart attack or even sudden death.

6) Corn flakes.

You already know that the heart does not like a lot of carbohydrates and meat. Cornflakes are fast carbohydrates. Due to the high sugar content in them, after such a breakfast, the level of insulin in the body rises.

As you already understood, the consumption of such products is fraught with a heart attack or even sudden death.

7) Salt.

It's no secret that salt is a white poison. The thing is that with excessive salt intake, the vessels begin to quickly collapse and become clogged.

Therefore, the daily norm of salt is five grams, which is approximately 1 teaspoon! People who go beyond this norm are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

8) Instant noodles.

Noodles, like many other processed foods, contain large amounts of salt, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, experts say.

People who eat noodle dishes 2-3 times a week have an increased risk of developing cardiometabolic syndrome, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

9) Energy drinks.

In 100 ml of the drink is 30 mg of caffeine. And since a standard jar contains 300 ml, it turns out that we drink about 90 mg of caffeine (or 3-4 cups of espresso).

This is a large enough dose that can cause tachycardia. Here is, unfortunately, the influence of power engineers on the heart.

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