
5 Powerful Tips To Get Rid Of Acne!


Having acne all over your face isn't something nice. It can be terrible for you and for your life. I can totally understand the way you feel. You can choose to ignore your acne and live your life. However, the acne present will haunt you even more and will cause more trouble to your life than you can think of. It's not okay to live with acne. You need to get rid of it.
Here are the powerful tips to get rid of acne as fast as possible...
Steam your face in hot water - Steaming your face in hot water is important to kill off all the bacteria present in your face. Wash your face once in fresh water before doing the steam wash. Steam your face and remove your pimples using a sterilized needle. Make sure that you attack the root of the pimples and pluck it out completely. Steaming your face daily will ensure for a few weeks will help you cure your acne forever.
Applying fenugreek mask -
 Applying a fenugreek mask on your face is another sure shot remedy to cure your acne real fast. Take fenugreek leaves and crush them into a paste with water. And apply the paste all over your face at night just before you go to bed. Leave it for the night. By the next morning, some of your acne will have vanished.
Orange peel trick - Orange is found to be extremely good for the skin. It has wonderful healing properties. This trick involves powdering orange peels and mixing it with water and applying the mixture on all the affected areas of your skin. Do it every night for a week. Most of your acne will have gone forever.
Stop eating junk foods - If it's extremely important for you to have a clear face that is free of acne, stop eating junk foods at once. These foods cause various imbalances in your body which in turn lead to future acne breakouts. No matter what you do, your acne won't vanish if you keep eating junk foods. Stop them and replace it with fruits and vegetables.
Drink lots of water - Your skin needs to be supplied with a sufficient amount of water regularly when you are suffering from acne. If you don't supply your body with enough water, your body won't be able to handle the different kinds of toxins that are causing acne. The acne is a symptom of a deeper problem lying inside your body. And the problem is certain toxins. Drinking water will help you wash away the toxins and will make your skin glow.
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