
How to Treat Bed Bug Bites


When it comes to bed bug bites there is a good and bad news. Good news is that although incredibly uncomfortable and itchy, bed bug bites are not that harmful; at least that is what specialists are claiming to be a fact.
However, there has been some cases where this insects have caused some serious health problems to some patients. Although the bite itself should not be a huge issue, allergies caused by bed bugs is another matter. People who have respiratory problems should be careful and try to avoid having bed bugs infestation because it could have an impact to their health. Also, if you think that your bite has become inflamed, you should look for the advice of a doctor. In normal circumstances, bed bug bites should be treated like bites from any other insects or mosquito.
It is normal for the place of the bite to be red and itchy, possible a little swelled and although bites from mosquito usually heal in a day or two, bed bugs bite can stay for couple of days. Also, and especially if you move around a lot while sleeping, it is possible to have a couple of bites next to each other. The reason for this is that a bug when feels movement automatically retrieves and waits for you to go back to sleep after which it comes back to the same place and continue sucking your blood.
Bed bug bites are even itchier than mosquito bites. While with mosquito bites you will feel the moment I stings and start sucking of blood, with this nasty little blood suckers that is not the case and the itch will only be felt an hour after the skin has been bitten. This happens because the bug has anesthetics in its saliva. They inject anesthetics and anticoagulant, to avoid blood clotting, before it will suck blood from your skin. The rash can appear an hour after you were bitten. But to some people, the marks appear only after some days or week from being bitten. This depends upon the body's reaction to chemicals being secreted by bed bugs.
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