
Guide To Dermabrasion Before And After The Procedure


Dermabrasion before and after photos can be found in journals, magazines, advertisements and on different websites. In fact, before the actual dermabrasion procedure, the dermatologist will usually used these photos to show how the treatment has impacted the patient and the improved results which can be achieved. With dermabrasion before and after photos, you can also understand better how the procedure works and the types of skin imperfections which can be treated. Generally, dermabrasion is very effective in diminishing the appearance of deep lines above the lips, skin scarring or tattoo scars.
As in any other cosmetic procedures, a consultation session is essential so that the dermatologist can determine if the treatment is appropriate in removing those skin imperfections of yours. Gathering information on your medical history and detailed examination of your skin are some of the steps in which the dermatologist will perform during your initial consultation. Generally, the skin needs to be prepared before the treatment can be administered on the skin. This may include a 6-week pre-operative skin care program or taking medication a few days before the actual procedure.
After the dermabrasion procedure, burning sensation and discomfort due to the abrasion will be experienced and dressing is applied to the treated area. The dermatologist will prescribed pain medication to soothe the discomfort and post-operative skin care instructions before you go back.
It is very important that you followed the skin care instructions so as to prevent adverse dermabrasion side effects or skin damages. Since the new skin is soft and sensitive, it needs to be protected from exposure to the sun and any outdoor activities should be avoided for 3 to 6 months. Besides, regular washing and moisturize is necessary till the new skin appears.
For the first week after the treatment, you will need to go for 1 or 2 follow-up visits as the dermatologist will need to monitor the progress of your skin healing. The recovery period will take at least 2 weeks before the new skin fades back to the original skin tone.
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