
100 tips from centenarians likes to live long and happy life

Motivation for anyone who wants to live a long and happy life. 

Everyone wants to know what is the secret of longevity and good life? Each longevity has their own habits, which may be the answer to this question. Different preferences, ranging from a glass of whiskey - to snooze. Here is a look unique in the lives of people from all over the world who have something to say and who lived a long life. Many of them follow a simple approach to life and appear cheerful disposition.

 *** Ruth, aged 92 years, began to engage in Pilates Weekly. Has an excellent sense of taste. Do not look at the calendar. Let every day be a holiday! Buy quality goods only, they did not go out of style. Every day out in the street. Even just walking around the house. The secret of youth - in the movement. *** Doctor aged 100 years and which is still practiced. He shares a few tips from alternative medicine. I think that exercise is absolutely not necessary. Its importance is exaggerated. Forget about taking vitamins. The doctors are not necessarily frequent. I fell in love, get married! Sex is also very useful.

 Tips *** longevity of love and forgiveness and passion. Even if you feel hate, and keep it in yourself. Under no circumstances do not make others sick. We still believe in love. No one can control you. Do not hesitate to cry. Travel while you are young. Forget about the money, and the experience is much more important than any money. Compares. Otherwise, you will not be happy.

 On the other side the grass is always greener. If you are uncomfortable meeting with someone, you should not start a relationship with this person. Every day to do something nice for yourself. Do not skimp. Goodbye. Find the passion and live it. In most cases, the problems resolve themselves. 'S in your hands, and make the right choice - do not choose their parents only kept his pets. Sometimes you feel terribly lonely and pets remind us that we are all living organisms. I would not recommend that you profess or not to profess any religion. Just find something that you think and live accordingly. Learn to adapt. Take the time to grieve the loss. *** Laird century Edrin me the secret of longevity in four simple tips.

 Continue forward and never give up. Walk more. I drink water from the tap. Should not perish, so if you really want. And *** torrent Lewis reflects on the way to happiness. Life - is a joy. It all depends on the person. Be happy. You do not have all the time to be "happy", just be happy. People love. The man who found what it costs to love. In the end, we are all human beings. *** For others the solution in education: get a good education. This is what you have, no one can take away. *** Tips from Dorothy Custer, who turned one hundred years old. Think positive. Do you exercise every morning. I have a coach, something between cycling and rowing machine.

 I do 100-200 exercises every morning, and without it I do not get out of the bedroom. Some centenarians *** actively twenties couch potatoes. One of these centenarians, an avid skier, share wisdom with the next generation: Be active. I do everything on their own, such as skiing, although I am a hundred years. Few people involved in this, despite the fact that they have power. I try to eat right, exercise, and more to be in the outdoors and the sun. Think positive and everything will be fine. When you think negatively, you are poison to the body. Just smile, and say, laughter - the best medicine *** tips from residents of Sardinia, the Italian island, which is known for the large number of centenarians. They share tips on health and medicine.

 Many years did not take any medication. I do not think it is very useful, and many doctors use to you and guinea pigs. Do not die very soon. *** On the boards of centenarians have something in common - a passion for continued forward movement whatsoever. You can pay attention to local problems. But the world is so interesting, much more! Let your home will always be a lot of people. Different people: young, old, white, black, from all over the world. . People have always inspired me. Proceed. *** It is believed many of the centenarians in the power of exercise. I have lived in this era is largely due to the fact that I love to walk and not fall apart in the car seat I tried everything I've learned: I studied ballet and tai chi and yoga. I took six kilometers a day.

 So stay flexible, and wrote the book. *** And others - to life in the style of rock 'n' roll I spent my health on whiskey and cigarettes. 15 cigarettes a day and a shot of whiskey - that's the secret of my longevity, and the doctor told me I would not last long without it. I'm still alive and I can lift the elbows -! And it's a wonderful thing. *** Doctor's centennial has many priceless advice for young people that we all remember as a kid we had a lot of fun, which often forgot to eat and sleep. I think that adults should do the same thing. It is not necessary to exhaust itself with strict rules about dinner and sleep. For breakfast I drink coffee, a glass of milk and orange juice with a tablespoon of olive oil. Olive oil is useful for skin and arteries. For lunch - milk and cookies, or anything, if I'm too busy. I did not feel hungry because the focus on their work. For dinner, vegetables, and fish with a little rice and twice a week - 100 grams of lean meat should not retire, but if you really want - and not 65 years ago if your doctor advises you to any tests or surgery, ask, and I was his wife The child had gone through this procedure. 

Contrary to popular belief, doctors can not cure everyone. Why multiply operations unnecessary pain? I think that animals and music therapy can do more than represent themselves doctors. If you want to stay in good health, and the use of stairs and you wear stuff. I walk up two steps to keep the muscles toned. I am inspired by Robert Browning's poem "The Abbe Vogler." His father read to me. Thus, I urge us to do a lot of art and not a trivial Doodle. The poem says that you should try to draw a circle large that can not be closed while we are alive. All you see - this arc, the goal is beyond our vision, but it is.

 Pain - something mysterious. The best way to forget it - it's fun. Is very concerned about the accumulation of materials. Remember that when the time comes, you will not be able to do to take with you on the other side. Science in itself does not help and do not treat people. Find your role model and try to achieve more. Live long - gorgeous. Sixty years on from the first is easy to operate for the benefit of the family and achieve their goals. And then have to make an effort to be helpful to the community. With 65-year-old worked as a volunteer, and still be able to work 18 hours, seven days a week, and enjoyed every minute of it.

 *** Some centenarians pay more attention to relationships. My advice to women. Do not marry a man older than you. Marry those younger! *** What? Just to live! I try not to worry, and just live. I try to trust yourself and believe in yourself to deal with problems as they come. *** Sometimes advised the elderly to live a simple life. I do not eat much. But I'm trying to eat more fruits and vegetables. Less meat, and at least twice a week - salmon or sardines mortgages I had less than seven years. Paid all at once, and I live by this principle so far. This is the secret of longevity. Practise what you want. *** Or longevity? - A matter of luck must have good genetics. Must be good luck ... one hundred years. Try not to follow a healthy diet. I eat whatever I want! The secret of longevity -. Leave the ice cream while you're still on the horse. Very important to take care of the mind. I go to two sessions ... and I learned everything from anti-Semitism to current events. *** Modern fountain of youth? . This humor humor - are the lifeblood of a good way to endure the hardships of life. When you laugh at yourself, you do not give other people laugh at you.

 I think that people need to be nosy. Should you be interested in the world outside the misery and suffering. You must be happy with the all-new, to meet new people, or watching a new play - and just adore life. Matter what you do - you can collect the album favorite band. But if you do it with passion - that you're alive.

 Age - it is not a disease. Council *** baseball fans about how to protect yourself. Try not to get infected. Created grandson-old grandmother known position 101 in the resources offered for users to ask her any questions. Here's what happened: Be honest. I rarely lie. If you are honest with people, and it will come back to you, and people will be honest with you. False - very hard work, you do not need to bother yourself beyond measure. Discovered yourself, and the world will seem less strange. Listen to other people.

 You will learn something new. Sit back, because you will learn a lot, if you listen to others, and not tell you how much you know yourself. Love what you do. If you find a job like you do not have to work a day in my life. Try every day to find the time to take a nap. You have a family one, so hold on to it. Whatever the problem - financial or psychological, all the same - hold on to your family. Some days it will seem worse than others, but it should be: the night is darkest before the dawn, and I try to notice those little things that make our lives more beautiful. In such moments, time slows down.

 Says *** other centenarians as follows: Every day do something interesting, otherwise you will end up. New learning will make you happy and will keep the mind. Sleep well, and try not to worry and enjoy pleasant dreams I have a lot classes. I've been playing bingo, doing needlework and meditation, go to the fitness for the elderly and doing yoga. Also, do not miss a moment of discounts, three times a week to get to the shops. Be nice. I have lived such a long life, because I am surrounded by people who love me. I drink whiskey every day and I feel great! Be clean. Mary *** Cooper, which for 101 years, has called a news during an interview with a trip through the city on her car. She says: I did not drink, did not smoke, did not use drugs. I did not allow me anything prejudice - especially the traffic I do not like pressure. I can not stand the abuse. If someone started to wind up, I am leaving soon.

 I like to be on the positive side of people, and they cheer for me. *** What? In the end, you meet many tips for-life live to the fullest does not interfere in the affairs of others and do not eat junk food. Laughter helps to maintain health. If you see all over live longer funny. Show sadness nevermind, do not fall into despair. When you laugh, you can not be angry or sad, or feel envy. Look at yourself and find out for yourself tools. They all have, and it helps us to live. I have the power of words and imagination.

 Printer, camera and computer help me fight injustice. If I was given the opportunity to help someone in danger, I am using this opportunity. Suppose that you have a good appetite, and a lot of friends and a little spare time. You need a good wife, and a double whiskey on the night and a peaceful disposition. Go away from the responsibility. If you do not answer - to find something that will make you turn inside out. This helps to maintain the ability to think, and his love of life and stay longer alive. I'm still awake, because I am working. Does not require virtue of compensation. It is very important to keep the inquisitive mind. Be attentive and energetic man and cultured.

 Do not dance to the tune of another person. Do not smoke, do not drink and do not give up. Live one day and catch a wave. They may wish happiness, but the best I created in difficult times. Every day, eat a peach. Do what you must. Do not think, just do. Calm and enjoy life, what will be, will not pass. And if you have a cold drink and a little sleep before Baylis - On the morning of the next day, everything would be okay.

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