Orange vegetables with regular eating gives the skin a healthy golden in color, so the appearance of the person becomes more attractive. Carrot refreshes and revitalizes immediately, provide the body with fiber, as well as a variety of vitamins and other nutrients that contribute to strengthening the immune system.
The natural sugar found in abundance in the islands is easily digestible and converted directly into energy.
This wonderful root vegetables - and one of the richest sources of beta-carotene, which our body combines vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant that prevents the development of heart disease and blood vessels and is essential for normal metabolism.
If you eat a couple of carrots a day, and will significantly reduce the level of cholesterol. Made Griz raw carrots, drink carrot juice, cake filled with carrots, add grated carrots to power - and I had forgotten about a long illness. Useful materials islands: vitamin C and beta-carotene, biotin, and folic acid. Iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus. Bioflavonoids. Lycopene. Limonene myths and legends even in the time of Hippocrates islands is panacea for all ills.
In addition to all kinds of dishes from it made ointments, tinctures, drops and herbal teas. In the Middle Ages it was common belief that the islands can be exchanged for gold dwarves. Due to the nature of misers small fisted and carrots can be suspected in supernatural powers. Just barely islands were in medieval times similar to our contemporaries. Familiar to us orange color found only at the end of the sixteenth century through the efforts of the Dutch breeders. Prior to that, he had used his rights and carrots, white, purple and even black! Love all the islands in the joke - only partly a joke. And rhyme about love and carrots very serious. Italian scientists are confident that fans of the Greens differ enviable sexual appetite.
The male vegetarians and all the fans to be more emotional. In Russia about these characteristics islands known since a long time. Herbal village carrot feeding dose of women who have lost interest in their husbands, and couples who have difficulty in close contact with their wives.
Eyes peeled carrots liking us an optimistic outlook, low-calorie, sweet flavor and useful elements. One of the major - carotene - is responsible for the sensitivity of our eyes. If you suffer from myopia, and spend a lot of time on the computer, or difficulty seeing at dusk, certainly lean on the islands.
On flat ground carrots diet will also benefit the skin. First, because of vitamin A, which is converted in the body into vitamin - a component that is well proven in the battle against wrinkles. But this will only happen if the carrot will be accompanied by fat. Second, in addition to wrinkles, and vitamin A ruthless pimples and blackheads for. Therefore, the way to not flawless skin is through the carrot. Just be careful! If you overdo it with the existing carrot, you can get an orange tinge to the skin.
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