
Food against cancer

One-third of all cancer cases raised malnutrition - sound scientific evidence. But if you eat foods "healthy", we can prevent the development of cancer. It remains to know? - What are the existing products in vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs and roots, scientists have discovered a powerful anti-cancer substances that affect the disease as well as the drugs used in chemotherapy. But unlike chemicals, and natural materials are not toxic. Eat products and anti-cancer scientists call "food chemotherapy." Is an excellent tool (but not a complete medication) in the battle against cancer. Therefore it is important to know what products are able to resist cancer, and possibly be included in your diet. 

Are reduced to only one cup of liquid milk per day, and the risk of cancer by 15%. Calcium found in milk reduces the risk of polyps in the colon. And they can polyps eventually turn into malignant tumors. Tomatoes. They contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that stimulates our immune system and protects against certain types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Remember - you must be bright red tomatoes and eat them need 2-3 pieces per day.

 Other antioxidants, and provide anti-cancer effect - vitamin E, and have a lot of nuts (preventive dose of about 150 grams per day) and vegetable oils (only three tablespoons tablespoons a day). Rich in beta-carotene (vitamin A), carrots, pumpkin prevents the development of cancer of the cervix, breast, lung, pancreas, colon and prostate. In a day is recommended to eat at least 200 grams of carrots or pumpkin.

 Garlic and Brazil nuts contain high amounts of selenium. This trace mineral that protects our organs (especially the stomach, colon, esophagus, pharynx, breast and skin) from the negative effects of carcinogens. As a precaution, doctors are advised to eat 1-2 cloves of garlic per day or 6-8 nuts. Eggs, or rather the egg yolk. It contains choline that regular consumption by 24% reduces the risk of tumor formation in the breast. Choline is also in the liver and wheat, and broccoli.

 It is recommended that 1-2 eggs per week. Radish, radish, horseradish, celery contain indoles and isothiocyanates - anti-cancer substances strong. Prevention must eat 50-60 grams per day of these products. Quercetin in onions prevents the formation of cancer cells in the prostate and mammary glands and the ovaries. Daily, and at least one medium onion. 

Tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardines - they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which increases the anti-tumor immunity and vitamin D, which prevents the formation and growth of blood vessels that feed tumors green tea and rosehip contains epigallocatechin gallate, it is able to "program" the death of cancer cells. In addition to a lot of dogs rose recommends anti-cancer tumors vitamin C. Drink 5-7 cups of green tea a day or 4-5 cups of broth from the hips. Wheat, corn, oats, rice bran, which is rich in fiber prevent colon cancer, and contribute to the promotion and encouragement of perestatike bolus. Dried fruits, especially peaches. Due to large amounts of antioxidants and dietary fiber are suffering from cancer in the early stages. Enough to eat in one day 5-6 of dried fruit a day.

 But the hero of the anti-cancer foods is the crucifer family. Broccoli, for example, contains a substance indole-3-carbinol (I3S), which helps in the prevention of cancer is efficient so that consumption weekly of 100 grams only of broccoli is not a guarantee for the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia in men and helps to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer in women. Remember - the human body is updated constantly.

 Every minute, the main structures of the body wears out and replaced with new tissue and biochemical components. 98% of the cells of the body, and therefore a full update on almost all year round! Starting materials used by the body for samovossozdaniya involving only with food and water. This means that your body consists of literally what you have eaten in the past year.

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