Bow - a unique tool in the fight against wrinkles!
A few years ago in an article about my little tricks in the fight against wrinkles, developed a recipe using a bow. Many of these recipes and then I liked, has been cited thousands of times! So I wanted to tell you more than the bow very good for our skin.
Cosmetics onions forget today is unjustified. However, the bow - a unique tool in the fight against wrinkles! If after 25 years you begin to make regular onions masks - to 50 will be virtually no wrinkles. Even if you are away for a period of 20, using the bow down, you will notice that wrinkles will soon become much smaller. What do you think why? Because of renewed onion skin cells.
Why onions are good for your skin?
Onions contain nitrogenous substances, volatile, citric and malic acids,
Vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C.
The main component of essential oil of onion is sulfur, which is vital in the synthesis of collagen. This article gives the skin the necessary structure.
Onions are rich in zinc, a well-established therapeutic tool in the fight against wrinkles.
Bow in a lot of silicon, which is used in a problem with the hair.
Any action with fresh onion can be called painful, because it causes tears. But even such an inconvenience, crying, is a kind of healing. The fact that the arc grinding volatile substances that do not irritate only, but it cleared. Therefore, if you are prone to recurrent conjunctivitis, or you suffer from infections in the eyes, and try to chop the onion finely League as possible. This will bow to give food with increasing intensity.
All actions are based on the use of the bow is very strong, but the smell a bit. Onion smell disappears faster in an acidic environment, so you must clean the skin after the onion and lemon or other citrus. Be prepared for a slight odor and choose correctly when using fresh onion.
Recipes onions wrinkles
1 The most effective way, in my opinion, are the packs of onion. You will need 1/3 cup onion juice and fresh gauze, which should be folded in several layers and soak in the juice. Gauze to put on the face, neck and chest area in a horizontal position to "enjoy" the renewal of the skin for 20-60 minutes. Must burn. If you can not stand the whole time, to hold at least 5-10 minutes. Do not be surprised if the skin will remain small patches, they will go after washing and oil. Use caution on sensitive skin.
After pressing, the juice and rinse the skin with warm water, using a swab and milk to wash. Wipe the skin with a piece of fruit, citrus and rinse again with cold water. Apply to face and neck with any vegetable oil for 15-20 minutes, then do a light massage and Pat cloth.
For the treatment of wrinkles, should be compresses the onion in 2 days. Rate - 10 procedures. Once - once a week to maintain. As you become accustomed skin irritation will decrease.
2 to simplify the procedure, you can use onion juice in another way. Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh onion juice with 1 teaspoon honey and apply several layers on a clean face. Keep this dye impossible.
3 To prepare the onion and lemon mixture, mix onion juice in a 1: 1 ratio with lemon juice. 3-4 layers, apply lotion on the face because it dries. No centrifuged for 15 minutes. If the skin is sensitive, enough for 5-10 minutes. The combination of washed as described in paragraph 1.
4 peeling and flaking skin can be removed mask is made of equal parts of grated onion and flour. To put the mask on the face for 15 minutes. If a strong tingling sensation became unbearable, remove it before.
5 This is a recipe for those who are hard unbearable to deal with tearing and burning. Please note that the effectiveness of the mask will be more focused on the softening and moisturizing the skin, and is active in the fight against wrinkles. Cook or bake onion one, chop and mix with 2 tablespoons honey and apply on the face. It is not necessary to add honey to people who have enlarged pores. Sagittarius nourish the skin with vitamins.
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