
Face masks of kelp

Face mask from the face of the herb Searoguenah kelp are nowadays increasingly popular. This is understandable. 

Allaminaria undoubtedly useful for our body, because of the increase iodine content. We were a little worried about the properties of a variety of kelp when methods of prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland. But did you know that seaweed will help us in the struggle for young skin? If you want to know the recipe that your face will look younger, then this article is for you! 

One way or another, and sea kale is considered as a product that will help to increase the amount of iodine in the body. But seaweed (or kelp) contains many minerals and other vitamins: 

Vitamins E, A, C, D, 

Alginic acid. 

Acid gammalinolenovuyu. 








And many others. 

Each of these components will help our immune system, making them more resistant to diseases and colds. 

Seaweed is also useful for the treatment of metabolic disorders and coronary heart disease. Allaminaria lowers blood pressure, but pointed to the inclusion in the diet for people who suffer from high blood pressure. 

Another useful feature of seaweed - cleansing. With regular use of kelp begins cleansing of toxins and impurities. Seaweed also cleans and ships, to dissolve the cholesterol plaques on the walls.

Allaminaria - Contraindications: 

Face mask of grass Searouma, there are some contraindications and precautions in the use of these kelp: 

With daily use, should not exceed $ 2 teaspoon of seaweed. 

Allaminaria is contraindicated for pregnant women, 

People who suffer from nephritis, 

The tendency to target and abrasions. 

But, I think you're more likely to wait for the renewal of a recipe using kelp. Now, bear with me a little bit more. 

It is logical to say how all the seaweed on the skin and what effect. This hydration and nutrition not only. This anti-inflammatory effect, and toning, cleansing, and raise the impact and the effect of an anti-stress. 

Before we get to the recipes, let's clarify what is required of kelp for use in cosmetic purposes. 

You need kelp dry. Sold in pharmacies. Usually, dried seaweed for cosmetic purposes crush already. But if this is not the case, before they are used to hide that it is best to grind (and, in the dry state it will be easier to do). 

Face masks of kelp: 

  Mask for the renewal of kelp: 

It takes about 1 tablespoon chopped dry grass. Fill with 0.5 cups of water. 

Water should be at room temperature. Leaves for 30 minutes somewhere - as it should be seaweed inflation. 

Then add this mixture 1 ch.lozhku honey or 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil (of your choice or can be rotated). 

Mix well and placed on the face cleansing miracle vitamin mixture.

Hold for 20-30 minutes. 

Necessarily wash off with warm water. 

  Mask for oily skin kelp: 

In the swollen mass of seaweed (read how to do it in the previous recipe) 0.5 Add a teaspoon of lemon juice. 

Apply to clean face for 15 minutes. 

Wash with cold water. 

The regular use of this mask (instead of 1 once a week) to give a great result - the reduction of the oily sheen and cleanse blackheads. 

  Kelp mask bleach: 

Take 1 tablespoon kelp inflation. 

Add to score 1 tablespoon sour cream. 

Also add a teaspoon of lemon juice 1/4. 

Applied for 10 minutes on a clean face.

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