
Mask starch

Any woman after 30 years of dreaming keep the skin young and get rid of the wrinkles that appear. This will help us with your mask starch, which has the characteristics of a great, and the result after using it compared with the effect after the application of Botox is well known. 

It is also important that the preparation of starch mask is very simple, and it costs a penny. 

To prepare the mask is necessary to solve a tablespoon of traditional potato 

Starch in half a cup of water, combine half a cup of boiling water and cook until thick. In this block add five tablespoons of carrot juice and a tablespoon of sour cream. Mix well and mask ready. 

It should be applied starch thin layer of the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply skin cream. 

Maintaining the mask can be ready in the refrigerator for up to three days, and recommended only three days to use the mask to achieve an effective result. 

Starch completely mask moisturizes the skin, face and quite refreshing reduces wrinkles.

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