
Get rid of acne scars and blemishes after


1 masks, anti-spots and acne scars: 

Excellent effect and absorb spots and acne scars, has a mud mask. 

• To get rid of the unpleasant after e

ffects of acne, and take 2 tbsp. Tablespoons of green clay and dissemination of a small amount of cold water to the state monotone (it is imperative that the block was any lumps). Add cream mud 3-4 drops of essential oil, and a lot of rosemary and Namaste problem areas where there are spots or after acne. This procedure takes only 10 minutes of your time. Do not forget, then make sure to moisturize the skin. 4 use the mask every day, if necessary can be repeated after 10-14 days.

 • mask on the basis of white clay - at least starting. The composition, and take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of mud, and dilute with water well, as described above, and mix 2 hours. Lemon juice. Mask should be applied directly on the spot and hold about a quarter of an hour. Provide a recipe very fun and other useful that will help get rid of the spots after acne: a mask with honey cinnamon mixture. To do so, take 1 hour. One teaspoon of honey and rub with 1 tsp. Cinnamon, then the resulting mass saturation effects of acne and leave for 20 minutes. 2 How to remove scars and get rid of the spots after acne: 

• excellent properties of bleach juice option if the famous vegetables directly from the garden. Use the option can be in almost any shape: for example, developed on the lines of the problem areas an option, but you can try to cut the cucumber and put it on the face for 20 minutes • Essential oils are popular to remove traces of pimples. And can be used independently. For example, and also to get rid of red spots after acne pimples to rub the affected parts of the skin oil of rosemary and tea tree oil, which is used a few times throughout the day. Good use of a mixture of oils and collective:

Avocado, and tea tree, lemon juice and lavender (and take all the ingredients in equal proportions), in this case the war on acne scars after triumphantly won. However, do not forget to use the essential oils are used in large quantities is strictly prohibited. They have a very strong effect on the nervous system, and can even cause an increase in pressure. Use the minimum amount, just to put a little grease stains after acne. • Assistant in conflict with red spots after acne is boiled parsley. Prepare him for such a recipe: Make a strong decoction, then let it cool and pour it into molds (you can take those used to the ice) and freeze. These cubes are useful to erase the effects of acne after every day: How in the morning and in the evening

 • folk medicine strongly recommends the use of St. John's Wort tincture to get rid of the effects of the acne scars. It is available for all drug dose. To make it, take two tablespoons of St. John's wort and one cup of alcoholic beverages, close tightly and put the dishes in a cool dark place and leave for ten days. Pump gives very strong, and is used every day, putting on traces left after acne.

 • apple cider vinegar - widely effective tool, not only in the field of cosmetics. But it is good to note that not concentrated, and diluted with water to form (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water) should be used. Sort your skin vinegar bath daily in the morning and "notice" the effects of acne. And to remove the effects of chronic or multiple scars after acne resort to this recipe: Soak in a solution of cheesecloth and make a light bandage for several minutes. But do not forget that some of the characteristics of the disease means for people to remove the rust may be contraindicated for your body. Consult your doctor before embarking on such procedures to remove the effects of acne.

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