Procedures for the entire face and neck during the 12-15 at home
In the morning cook firming agent for the person you intend to use every night.
1 teaspoon of flaxseed 1.3 pour a cup of boiling water and shake a few minutes. Then cover with a paper towel and put it to stand until the evening. Evening to cleanse the face and neck, apply a cotton swab dipped in linseed pumping, and the first thin layer. When it is dry, lubricate the skin again. Repeat this 5 times. Avoid during the procedure do not laugh and do not speak perfectly - only to lie in silence. After everything is washed with boiling water, apply night cream on the skin. Order a full cycle of a face-lift and neck from 12-15 procedures, and you yourself do not know, and that is a good look.
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