
Get rid of freckles easily

With warm sunshine of spring on the cheeks cute girl show konopushki funny. Girls, especially with light reddish hair, horrified look at herself in the mirror. Freckles! 

Immediately "obraduem" that voobshche freckles - something hereditary. If freckles 5-6 years, from year to year, you regularly foreshadow the spring, then consider - it's for life. 

If freckles are few and faint mask enough lemon juice in half with sour cream, imposed for 15-20 minutes. Better to wash with yogurt. 

Help lotion and parsley. 

Two tablespoons of chopped vegetables pour a cup of boiling water, and leave for 2-3 hours, and then filtered. Pumped storage in the refrigerator, but not longer than a week. 

It is easy to make and the mask option. 2-3 tablespoons of grated option with the spread of the skin on the gauze and the meat and put it on the skin. 

Finally, in the struggle to help my grandmother's advice. 2 tablespoons chopped dandelion flowers pour boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, for 45 minutes, then strain. Wiping the face in the morning and evening. 

Freckles can win, but is it worth? And is quite true that all of the fair sex should seek to maintain their individuality, and perhaps, freckles give a unique charm. So keep gave you that nature! 

Before - summer. It's time to take advantage of that Mother Nature gives us: 

1 to remove make-up, not necessarily to buy expensive cosmetics, try to use this sour milk or plain vegetable oil. 

2 in the garden there was a fresh berries? Brilliant! Just take any berries and distort your face with it, and after 15 minutes, rinse. (In winter, you can use frozen berries.) 

3 If you have hair fall out, and eat the berries of sea buckthorn, and drinking tea with them, taken with milk, in addition to candy and other dishes. 

Drink boiled or prepared from young branches and leaves of sea buckthorn, and wipe this decoction scalp.

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