Headache in the back of the head can cause a lot of discomfort, in addition to the discomfort and pain, and she will bring to mind even the most stable person. This kind of excruciating pain, and in some cases very difficult to determine what hurts - the neck or head. The causes of this disease are many. Must be considered the most common.
Causing a painful disease can become hypothermia very usual caused by prolonged exposure to drafts. Causes of pain can be - a long position in an uncomfortable position, and tension or just an unusual situation, often accompanied by tinnitus or vertigo.
Headache in the back of the head may indicate the development of the nervous occipital nerve. In such cases, and increases the sharp pain of any head movement, coughing, sneezing and develop vneperenosimuyu. Failure occurs even in the vestibular system - may show a sensation of falling, throbbing in the temples, there is a loss of orientation in space.
Another known cause of pain in the back of the head is a head injury or infection.
If there was such symptoms, an urgent need to see a doctor, to protect them from undesirable consequences. Examination should start with a general practitioner, and he will give you instructions for further action. Next you need a consultation with a neurologist, trauma, and perhaps masseur cardiologist.
A method for treating pain in the neck, and, in principle, and headache in the front, will depend on the cause. If this is the result of the injury, your vertebrae from cervical collar bone repair special - got rid of unnecessary movements and thus speed up the recovery.
If the cause hypothermia or fatigue of the cervical vertebrae, and then you'll have a massage the neck and upper back, adjacent to it. To increase blood flow to the problem areas of your body needs electricity. If you have any pain after the ill, it would be an effective therapeutic exercise and calcium intake in combination ointments parallel with rising temperatures.
Best of all - it does not prevent the appearance of pain in the neck. Closely monitoring their health. Not allowed to sit in the draft, and even in the uncomfortable position for a long time. If you work in a mostly stable, or if you spend a lot of time in the computer, it is important to get up and do the workout. It is advisable to do the exercises twice a day for 15 minutes morning and evening.
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