Neck Pain: Causes, treatment and prevention
No person who is not facing a sudden pain in the back of the neck. Sometimes it can be given to other parts of the body: arms, legs, or headaches. If pain is weak, we look forward to when they went perfectly. But this is a mistake. It is necessary to consult a doctor, who will reveal the cause of discomfort and prescribe treatment.
Causes pain
Regardless of age and sex of the individual, neck pain can happen at all. There are a variety of reasons, including:
Overvoltage, numb neck muscles, blood stasis.
Accumulation and deposition of salts.
The development of degenerative disc disease or osteoporosis.
Mechanical injury to the neck muscles and ligaments.
The development of the intervertebral hernia.
Heart attack and angina.
This is not all the possible causes. So as not to postpone the visit to a specialist to determine the cause and begin treatment, or may appear in the end of life-threatening complications.
Who to contact
In medicine we have every doctor has a narrow specialization. It often happens that we do not know any doctor in connection with the pain arising. So visit the clinic begins with the Office of the processor. And listen to your complaints, conduct initial screening. If the doctor will know that you have a serious illness, you will receive a referral to the appropriate specialist. Even the doctor may be: a neurologist, trauma, arthritis, bone, physical therapy or massage therapist.
Whatever pain you have experienced, and not self-medication, especially if you have: back pain gives a leg or head or there is swelling.
Prevention of cervical disease
Many of the diseases of the body of the cervix depends on our way of life. Therefore, in order to prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to follow the simple rules:
Performance of daily workouts. Do not forget the cervical spine. To do this, you can "write" numbers 1-9 head in the air.
Stand-up and sit in comfortable seats with a high return.
Do not ignore the visit masseur. Massage complex 1 comes once a year.
In the case of any severe pain in the neck or back, and the pressure, warm or cold, depending on what will help your situation.
Avoid strong drafts.
Regardless of which part of the body becomes sore, do not tighten with a visit to the doctor, and so the development of the disease can lead to consequences can not be predicted.
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