
Parkinson's disease: Do not be afraid, but to prevent

On behalf of Parkinson's disease, and cause many fear only concept. This disease is unpleasant, but not only on the symptoms, but also the fact that almost can not be cured. Therefore it is necessary to know how to prevent them. 

It is no secret that all of the engine and other actively managed the central nervous system. That "includes" the necessary hardware, so that we can move and perform the necessary tasks. And disease and Parkinson's disease, can be understood, if it exists, and this is the nervous system begins to collapse. As a result, the person loses the ability to control his body. 

It seems scary, but it does not mean that everything you need to be afraid. Instead it is better to deal with the core issues of what the treatment and diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. 

First and foremost, be clear when it's time to sound the alarm, suspicion something was wrong. The first symptoms of the birth of the disease is slow voluntary movement and increased muscle tone. During the rest of the people in earthquake detection (shaking) of the parties, and can be seen when walking instability. 

It is very important at this time to pay attention to these symptoms and seek medical advice. Because timely diagnosis can help prevent the progression of the disease. The fact that the treatment of this disease today is in fact the fact that doctors are trying to prevent further loss of neurons or reduce the symptoms of manifestations. As for the influence of radical, and sometimes doctors resort to ECT, if other methods do not work. There is also a transplant surgery when doctors new cells, which should produce the materials needed for the activity of the nervous system. 

We now turn to the question of how to prevent this terrible disease such as Parkinson's disease. To do this, you need to explain what the reasons could be many. This genetic predisposition, and run some toxins and some infectious diseases and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis. But even if a person has a bad genetics, and this does not mean that you can give up and wait for the first signs of death. For the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to keep the body at the right time, and sometimes you have to go through the timely treatment of ships. In addition, you need to follow the basic rules for a healthy lifestyle, as well as good nutrition with food high. Finally, do not forget that Parkinson's disease can be caused by severe injuries to the head, so you must protect the head from injury.

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