
Pain during menstruation: What do you do?

Most women of childbearing age (70%) during the month to suffer pain. They may be in varying degrees - easy enough to withdraw the pain which practically does not cause discomfort to debilitating, and cramps unbearable that for a few days literally "chained" to the bed, making monthly actually in critical days often does not notice the sensations painful only in the abdomen, but also in the lower back. Often during menstruation in girls and women can be seen as a severe headache, and neuroses, nausea, and eating disorders. In some cases very difficult, the patient loses consciousness, and the body temperature rises. Such severe cases of doctors to identify the disease separately - algomenoreya. 

Cause painful menstruation most girls and painful menstruation as normal. We believe that you just need to "bend" in these days.

 At the same time, unpleasant, painful during menstruation may be a sign of some very serious diseases: tuberculosis of female genital mutilation. This can happen at any age, disease, and the main problem is that it can not be diagnosed during a routine pelvic exam. The development of tissue pathology - painful periods often in patients who are diagnosed with dysplasia caused genetically irregular shape of the uterus, and the deviation in its development. The syndrome is manifested pain during the menstrual period when girls who have a uterus is irregular in shape - curved forward, backward, sideways. It should also be seen here and developmental defects -. Horny bisexual and two of the uterus. Diseases of the nervous system. Hormonal disorders Moreover, it may be painful menstruation in patients who have undergone gynecological surgery, abortion. Also often discomfort during menstruation are among those who suffer from infectious diseases and reproductive tract infections, and varicose veins (pelvis) and malignant or benign tumors in the uterus, appendages.

 How to get rid of painful menstruation and many women believed that painful periods disappear after the baby is born. Unfortunately, this error of judgment. In order to get rid of painful menstruation, it is necessary to determine the cause. Help in this can only be a gynecologist. Regular consultations with a specialist to help determine the cause of painful menstruation. If in any disease - appropriate treatment, followed by a painful syndrome become less pronounced, or even disappear, but pregnancy and childbirth can affect the reduction of the severity of the pain, but if the reason for their appearance - Error shape of the uterus. It is possible that after the baby is born it will change a little bit - and it will bring welcome relief to a very difficult day for women.

 Medicine today, most of the girls suffer from painful menstruation, save one simple tool - any pain medication. In fact, for many of the powerful drug - the only way to feel during the month more or less comfortable. However, it is important to look at that and analgesic agent can have a negative effect on the organism. So, if you see the drive just to get rid of painful menstruation, - consult a specialist, any kind of drug, and in what doses you the best take. In some cases (with a strong algomenoree) doctor may prescribe hormones patients. But this happens only when the cause of the disease is hormonal changes. And determine this - must be tested for hormone levels. In some cases, the patient can deal with the pain and discomfort during menstruation taking tranquilizers. They are used only on prescription by patients who suffer pain during menstruation is not only, but also of apathy and depression and psychosis. In some cases, prescribed sedatives during menstruation girls who suffer from the disease with anorexia. Folk remedies there are a lot of methods of people, which will also help to deal with painful cramps during menstruation.

 First and foremost, and recommended the patient to lie down and relax. Fill the water bottle with warm water and put it on your stomach. Pull your knees to your chest - even warmer pressure against the stomach. The heat source have a mild sedative effect - spasms become more scarce, will be accompanied by a weaker pain. However, it is impossible to warmer and it was very hot, or lying on your stomach for longer than 20 minutes - it can cause bleeding when severe pain is recommended to eat a few pieces of dark chocolate. Hard to believe, but it proved to be a total of 50 grams of chocolate can help not just the worst of the analgesic tablet. The only difference is that the chocolate does not bear any body damage. Excellent help from pain during menstruation and excerpts from some of the herbs. In particular, the pain will be less pronounced if during menstruation to make ponytail pumping (every hour you should drink 50 ounces. Freshly grass), and fragrant celery (1.3 cups of pumping 3 times a day). In addition, you can also drink tea mulberry leaves or strawberries. Take advantage of the popular styles is that they are completely safe for the body. 

Recommendations excellent help to deal with the painful menstruation or yoga Bodyflex. Girls who regularly attend any of the hearings, after some time had a decrease in pain intensity. Proper nutrition and avoiding harmful habits also contribute to the passage of the less painful menstruation. If your body is healthy and full of energy - the pain does not have the same strength.

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