
Swollen feet how to remove the swelling?

Best to deal with complex Bulge: Healthy diet more +1 liters of clean water per day 08:00 + restful sleep + periodic medical examination, so as not to miss a minimum of disruption in the body. But this is the ideal, but in practice it happens that even a few nights you do not have enough sleep and ordered him to the dark - and swelling of the eyelid ... how to remove the swelling of the face and legs - to read. 

Mask of the lower eyelid bags of 

Grate a small piece of parsley root. Add to this brew a strong tea. Components must be in equal proportions (for example, 1 tbsp. L.). Stir well and apply to the area under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. It is also possible to use parsley without any additives. 

Herbal ice cubes 

Ice massage to get rid of puffiness under the eyes and even removes puffiness in the face as a whole. In addition, come in skin tone. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of herbs - chamomile, lime, green tea and sage, mint, St. John's wort, etc. .. cool and pour into molds. Used as needed, it is best to every morning, and then the effect will be more pronounced and persistent. 

Potato mask for facial swelling grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, and the weight placed on his face, including the area of ​​the lower eyelid. Wash after 20 minutes. The same efficiency vary potato juice. Enough to moisten the gauze and put it on the face for 15-20 minutes. 

Baths leg edema 

To improve blood circulation in the legs capable of an ice bath, but not everyone will be able to withstand the cold water. You can make a decoction one component of herbal chamomile, Sitnikov, mint, lemon, oak bark. Cool to room temperature and lower legs 15-30 minutes. Herbs can be substituted for sea salt. 

Birch leg compression ancient but powerful tool - birch leaves. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Stick your feet in cloth bags (easy to sew yourself) and fill in the leaves. What is the procedure to do better at night, because you will need about 5 hours to get the effect. 

The treatment of edema 

It is possible to resort to traditional medicine and herbal drink fees that enhance the flow of excess fluid. Taking equal parts from the leaves of bearberry, birch buds, leaves, cranberries, fruits crushed juniper. One tablespoon of this group pour boiling water and soak 15 minutes on low heat. Then the broth cool, strain and drink 2 tbsp 5-6 times a day. Swelling in the fighting dandelion leaves can be used, which is not only an excellent diuretic, but also very rich in potassium, which is great compensates its reserves in the body. Thus, you can solve two problems at once: to reduce the severity of edema and maintain the level of potassium. Tea made from the leaves of dandelion need to drink three times a day, and one cup. These herbs can be used to find a solution to the problem of kidney edema, which can be shown not only on the legs, but also on the face and under the eyes. This type of edema often indicates kidney problems, and infectious diseases caused by, or in violation of their work. In this situation is the continuous monitoring of the kidney is very important, so patients who suffer from these diseases is often necessary to take a urinalysis and blood chemistry. Some drugs used to treat high blood pressure, arthritis and degenerative disc disease can cause swelling in the marginal figure. In this case, you should stop taking the medication and consult a physician. Should be treated for any type of edema with due diligence, as often they are the first signs of the onset of the disease and could help in the early stages diagnostike.Oteki - excessive accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues of the leg. 

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