
The possibility of treating gum disease at home

Gum disease - diseases of tissues surrounding the teeth. This disease is less common. Cause gum disease and not just the huge accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity, or any other diseases of the mouth, but also the performance of diseases of the digestive system, especially the stomach. Therefore, it should not be long to develop gum disease, and a call to the doctor - it's probably the only chance to save the teeth nearby.

 At home, you can treat periodontal disease, but the treatment is not only to strengthen the gums and surrounding tissue, as well as adequate nutrition, which will restore the functioning of the whole organism. Tips to treat gum disease at home: 1) 

the amount of Myra in 15 grams must be diluted in alcohol wine (about 50 ml), then add the following herbs - mint, berries, and orchids. After the grass still dating vinegar and wine (30 ml). Cover and left in a dark room for three days. After the infusion, the entire collection is filtered, pumped output to rinse the mouth. 2)

 you have to take propolis crush (25G), and alcohol (100 ml), vodka is strong (2.1 cups), chopped leaves St. John's wort (50 g). All of this is mixed until uniform and change. The mixture is shifted in a glass jar with a lid for the leak of a period of fifteen days, the ship must be periodically shake. After straining, 1-2 teaspoon diluted in a cup of boiled partially full of water, and are rinsing of every three hours. Is cutting 3) 

of fresh aloe plant into two pieces, is applied to factory side cut the gums. 4)

 the need to pump the roots dried sweet flag (30 g) filled with 2 cups of vodka. In addition, be prepared to pump others - the same percentage as that in the first case, but the drug is propolis. Planted two weeks, then passed through a sieve, and mixing in the ratio of 0.5: 1. 5 tablespoons) two and a half of honey and 1 ch.lozhku salt until completely mixed state of a complete solution of salt. The resulting mixture was divided into pieces and add to the muslin bags and consolidate and applied to the affected areas. 6)

 Oil of fir strengthens the gums. promachivaetsya cotton pad in oil fir and applied as a solution for 20 minutes. Execution time - 15 receptions.

 Other ways to prevent the development of the process of resorption. Attempts to chew solid foods, which leads to increased muscle action, thereby increasing blood flow. Ways and preventive: Daily toothbrush oral hygiene and adequate and floss after meals. Frequent consumption of solid food, to prevent muscle relaxation. The use of vitamins (especially C). Optional: the treatment of gum folk remedies

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